Disappointed once again

this absolutely sucks. the organization that said they were going to help me yesterday, said that they won’t help me. they are just recommending me to hospitals because i said i was feeling suicidal for months and therapy places. therapy won’t take away people being abusive, whenever i go it’s just “well maybe don’t internalize it” and “you’ll just have to move out” YEAH i know i should move out, ive been trying to since i was 16 what the fuck do you want? i’m stuck and no one will ever help me. this organization is a piece of shit. i get it i’m 19 and don’t have kids or some shit, but am i not valuable? i’m not going to a damn hospital that my abuser works in to get help for suicidal thoughts. literally fuck you.

This hurts my heart to read. It reminds me of when I was in a similar situation where nothing was going right and it seemed like everyone, everywhere was against me. I also went through this for many years. I wish I had advice or answers but I’m afraid I don’t. I wish I could take you out of that place, because I’ve been there too. Nobody deserves to go through what you’re going through.

You are valuable. You are important. Even though it may not feel like it now, you do have people who care about you. In my short time here I’ve kept an eye on your posts and I’ve related to your struggles and I want you to know I care about you and your well-being. I have felt your pain and your isolation. I wish I could offer you more than reassuring words, but this is something that you’re going to have to power through. Whatever you have used to keep going for all of these years, hold on to that and let it fuel you. You can make it through this, even if the road seems seems long and rocky.

If you need a listening ear, feel free to message me. I want to see you happy.


Hey, Limey. This is super discouraging. :frowning_face: My heart goes out to you. If you’re interested, I’m going to be talking about your post on my stream in a few minutes. I can tell you there will be a lot of love being sent out into the universe for you. I’ll link the discussion in here after the stream. :heart:

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From: r3vanspixiefan

you are valuable family is not just by blood but those that support you are family and you matter to me VirtualHug


From: ladyr3van

We don’t know each other, but we’re all human struggling to get through the hardships of life. We believe in you and know we care for you. know you have people who are sending tons of positive thoughts and vibes your way. You are strong and can get through this.


From: riodragoon

You will find that while the world can often be set against, in time, you will find the means to break free and rise above everything that tied you down. I spent the first 30 years of my life hating myself for things beyond my control, it was only small bright spots that kept me living. Eventually, I found a way out, I used the internet and twitch to be more social, I worked hard to get the means to move away, and eventually found my love. Find that chain of little hopes, and hold


just want to say thank you for responding to my posts. it feels good to be heard, so thank you❤️ i’m trying my hardest to hold on, it’s getting harder, but i’m really trying my best.


Hey, Limey. It was great to see you today. In case you want to see the conversation before you joined us, here’s an edited clip: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/683092466

Also, I found a list of LGBT resources available in Maine.on the University of Maine’s website. I know you said you’re not really near any big cities, but maybe one of their resources might be accessible to you.

Stay strong, Limey, and know that you are loved. :heart:


again, thank you so much❤️i will look into those resources and hopefully something will be there! i’ve been doing art again and it sounds sorta lame, but i don’t want to give up because art has been motivating me!


It doesn’t sound lame at all, Limey. Art is a wonderful outlet for all kinds of emotions, positive and negative both! I saw the drawing you posted in Discord this morning, and it was absolutely wonderful!

I did a lot of drawing when I was about your age, too… It was a kind of escape for me. Also, to be perfectly honest, I loved the praise I’d get for my drawings. Art was one of the few things I knew I could show to other people and receive validation, and I really needed that at the time.

Keep drawing, Limey! :heart:

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