Do I want too Mutch?

its been a week or 2 and I am worried

Hey @happyzebra, it really sounds like there’s a lot going on right now. I’m sorry friend. I hope you’re feeling okay.

I’m sorry that your friend hasn’t been talking to you for the past two weeks, that’s really hard. Have you had any luck reaching out to other people about what you’re going through? We’re here to listen if you’d like to talk more about why your week was stressful too.

I feel horrible i was playing an online game and roasted someone am I that mean

I haven’t seen what you said of course, but I think it’s safe to say that you’re okay. Everyone has said some things that they don’t think were okay in hindsight, and that doesn’t have to mean that we’re bad people. It’s okay to make mistakes, because sometimes that’s how we learn to be better next time.

Do you feel like sharing how you’re going today?

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thanks, I have been feeling better I have someone to talk to.


I feel bad every day when I wake up its hell i stay in my bed doing nothing i am thinking on giving up


Hey @happyzebra,

I’m sorry you’ve been feeling that way. I can relate to that feeling of wanting to stay in your bed and hide from the rest of the world. Babysteps, okay? Even just one little action today to help yourself could be very helpful.

Do you know what makes you feel this way? Is there something on your mind in particular these days?

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i feel like I can’t do anything I fail multiple times.

I think there is unwarranted stigma around failing. It has a negative connotation that, realistically, it doesn’t deserve.

It is through our failures that we learn. Nobody in the world has done everything right the first time they tried. Most people fail many times at things before they succeed. Think of it this way - failing at something is just you figuring out how /not/ to do something in many cases. Instead of reeling is despair, take that as an opportunity to go back to the drawing board and come up with a new strategy. It might work, it might not, but no matter what happens, you will have gained additional experience and wisdom for your next attempt.

It is ok to fail. In fact in the long run it will probably even make you a better person. Nothing worth having is free, they say. Success through trial and error (failures) is far more satisfying than having said thing fall in your lap.

I assure you, not very many people have it all figured out lol. When I was younger I remember thinking my grama was amazing for being able to provide for me in the short time she had custody. I don’t remember ever being hungry or wanting anything. And I thought it was just a thing that happens when you’re an adult. But after becoming an adult you start to realize that things don’t just magically come together. It takes practice, discipline and motivation to keep your life together and stuff generally doesn’t go as planned. That doesn’t mean it’s not possible to find your calling, find value in relationships and enjoyment in hobbies though.

I guess what I’m getting at is life isn’t easy. Our trials and tribulations make our relationships and experiences worth living. Be kind to yourself. You deserve it.


I try to but I can’t each time I fail in 1 little thing and get mad at myself i feel like I live in a world where everything repeats

i dont know what to do i try i fail on repeat everyday

i am just so stressed

Hey @happyzebra, what are you stressed about? Maybe we can think together about some things that could help.

“i can’t korean” hahah thank you for that laugh. Yes korean-ing do be kinda hard xDDD ok sorry sorry. so here’s the cool thing about most communities. They actually won’t judge you nearly as much as you think they might. For example, you love kpop, great! you try to dance, great! maybe your skills are not as polished as you’d like them to be, but thats totally ok because the kpop dance community will see only 2 things: 1. they see you are trying. 2. they see you are having fun. And honestly…thats all there is to it. I think the more you expose yourself to it, the better off you’ll be. The skills will come with time. but the most important part is that you enjoy it and you have fun. This goes for anyone, but when they are not focusing so hard on getting better, but rather focusing on enjoying their time and having fun, then they improve naturally. nothing is forced. I think if you can learn to just breath, and enjoy the situations of loving to dance to kpop, then you’ll find yourself much happier and less stressed.

sometimes i think I can’t do it i want to give but i think i cant do anything else in my life

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i am sick of listening to music i always try to get it right 1st try but can’t

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Hey there @happyzebra,

It sounds that you are being too hard on yourself, friend. When you aim for a specific goal, it’s important to make sure that your expectations would be realistic and fair to yourself. I completely get it though - whenever I do something that matter to me, I always expect to be able to do it perfectly and at the first try! Just recently I was making myself sick for the perspective of potentially working full time again. Behind this stress, I was expecting to be fully performant the first day, which is quite unfair for someone who’s been mostly unemployed for the last 3 years. There’s what we aim for, but there’s also a lot of little steps in between to get there. If we set up unfair expectations, we also sabotage ourselves and our dreams.

When it comes to music, what is your goal precisely?
But also, what could be a first step towards that goal?

Practice makes progress. It’s okay to be messy at first and to have to try multiple times. That’s how you learn, how you build skills. You are not failing, friend. You are learning, and that is okay. :hrtlegolove:


i try i love music but i try everyday trying to lose weight working out wanting to be perfect but i cant i am still a teenager so i may not see reality yet i trying to multitask 4 things at once

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hey a little update i am doing some dance lessons and relaxing a bit

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That’s wonderful @happyzebra! I hope you keep it up with doing what you like, and more than anything to ENJOY doing it without any pressure of performance or perfection. You’re loved. :hrtlegolove:

i am starting to teach myself Korean, feeling better.
thank you for helping me.

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