"Do not think for one second that you are alone, because you don’t ever have to be. I promise." - Ricky Olson of Motionless in White

Great pic🔥===============

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Hi :wave:t2: We just sent you a direct message for a potential partnership. Please let us know as soon as possible to start. Thanks! :blush:


@rickyxolson hey, I am just reaching out because I myself have had struggles, but medically I have been fed though this machine and i unfortunately have lost a lot of weight, I’ve had massive weight loss and issues for years now, since i was a child I was never able to gain any weight originally I haven’t been eating anything either, it was just always “nope, you have to stay on the formula” my parents are wonderful people and they were the ones that suggested to my health specialists that i should be on it, I’m just telling you how much this is overwhelming me, thanks for listening or reading this is you get this, btw… I’m a huge fan of MIW :slight_smile:

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In my country mental health is still kinda taboo theme, there are people…but you pay for one hour a lot,she/he doesn’t even listen to you or doesn’t even have a question,they just gives you a pills for something and that’s it. You get addicted to those pills,for which you don’t even know are what for, and you get into even more battles. I always wanted to reach out,but if you don’t have places like that,you kinda just live through it,you learn how to not show it or how to avoid it,that’s it. Which is again,even bigger problem. Also,if you are going to therapy here,you are considered crazy.

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Bueno mi ricky…a mi me gusta que en todo me vaya bien, besos​:kiss::grin::heart_eyes_cat:

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So true it’s ok to not be ok its tough when you you have a job that you have to act happy thank you for posting this it’s all too common to hide our pain

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thank you so much for being so honest about your struggles and talking about how important mental health is :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:

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For the first time this year I was able to afford therapy as an adult. I’m pretty stubborn, and it was hard to think that my issues were something worth talking about when others struggle so much more. But I went anyways. It’s really refreshing to see this new generation of all genders say it’s okay to get help. Wishing the best to you, Ricky.

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I needed that!===========

:clap::clap::clap::heart::heart::heart: My respect for you is beyond words. I tend to just (emotionally) numb out A LOT. Working on it……some days it’s hard to see the light through the dark, but we all have to Stand Up and go on. :people_hugging: to you!

Sending love=============

Beautifully said :sunflower:=======

Scars instead of wounds. So powerful. Thank you for being so open and sharing this. May we all have the courage to heal and continue healing to be the best version of ourselves​:black_heart::sparkles:

Strength and love to anyone struggling :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::white_heart:

I’m not alone. I have your music, I have people dear to me… and I wish the band, especially you, happiness. you deserve it like no other. I love you all. :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart: