Done trying(TW)

Ups and downs these past months

But ultimately each mental breakdown is worst than the last.

I’ve tried but it genuinely doesn’t get better for me.

Maybe I’m just meant to die

I keep thinking about what I could do to finally end my life because I’ve tried overdosing multiple times but they didn’t work.

I don’t think any amount of help will fix me.

Im unfixable


I’m sorry that these past few months have been so rough for you.

Have you been able to meet up with a therapist or your doctor and share your concerns/feelings with them?
One way to not lie this same life is by doing things differently, getting meds or treatment, talking to professionals, etc.

You aren’t broken, you don’t need to be fixed. You can however be supported and learn healthier, more positive ways to express yourself and cope with the immense feelings you’re feelings.

The “end” isn’t the only ending possible - sometimes it requires us to say i need help and go to the people who can help us.

“Fixable” isn’t a useful term to use, friend. If we’re sick, we go to the doctor to be treated. If we’re hungry, we eat. If we need help to cope, then we seek out that.

Glad you’re here with us. You are important to this community, you matter!


Hi again, Amaris;

Glad to see you back, hun. We’ve been thinking about you and keeping you in our thoughts. Have you thought about talking to a professional about these thoughts? With how you’re feeling, I think talking to a therapist or a crisis counselor would help you in healing and moving forward. We appreciate you coming back and reaching out here.

In these hard times, here’s some coping mechanisms you can try:

Here’s a website to start you on a mental health journal: How to keep a mental health journal - MHA Screening


From: Lisalovesfeathers

Hi Amaris, Its nice to hear from you, I am so sorry you are struggling again, the last few months sound like that have been very difficult indeed but you know what as hard as it is and as bad as you feel right now (and I know its not good) you have felt like this before and you have asked for help, you have recieved help and you have indeed ended up feeling a lot better so Amaris You are fixable and not only can you be fixed, you deserve to be fixed because people care and love you. Talk to as many people as you need to, post here when you need to, get help when you need to, just dont give up please. You are worth it. Much Love Lisa x


From: Mamadien

Amaris, I’m so sorry that there have been ups and downs over the past months. And I hear what you are saying about each down feeling worse than the last one. I hear you friend. I want to say one thing that you may not agree with but I have to tell you that you are not broken and you are not unfixable. You are hurting and struggling, not broken. I see you here and you have been reaching out and making it through each time. What about reaching out to connect with a counselor or therapist? And please let us know how you are doing. You matter. You are part of this community. You have a unique and important place in this world. You are loved.

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Hi Friend, I’m sorry you’re having a really hard time right now. It sounds like you’ve been thru a lot lately. In your last post you talked about wanting people to care about and love you, even it it wasn’t real. Did something happen there to throw you into thinking you are broken and nothing will be able to fix you? Has your best friend (the younger gal you’ve talked about a lot ) been around? When you say you’ve tried to get better, what have you tried? It’s pretty hard to do it alone, so I would encourage you to seek therapy if you haven’t already. You can learn a lot of coping skills there and work on things you want to change. I hope you are doing better today. You are loved and you matter! ~Mystrose


Dearest @Amaris,

It’s good to see you – always. Even though of course no one here would want you to feel such pain. I’m sorry that these latest ups and downs have brought feelings of hopelessness and helplessness to you. I’ve personally experienced the thoughts you’re having right now. Still do sometimes, when I feel particularly hurt, broken. It’s so hard to not feel overwhelmed by the pain when the only thing you want is scream, cry and put all of this pain away, far away from you.

As deep as it is, you are not your pain, and you are not your struggles. There is nothing to fix in you because you are not broken. You are, Amaris, a human being with a rich inner life. You experience emotions, a large spectrum of emotions, and none of this would ever make you less than others, or defective in any way. Your humanity is a strength, not a failure.

Throughout the time that you’ve been posting on this forum, you have known ups and downs, and definitely times when it felt like there was no hope anymore, no change in sight that would ever be possible. Yet you are today, you are here, and you are not expressing yourself by mistake. There is a part of you that keeps fighting and know what life is worth of. A part of you that knows that you’ve conquered times like these before, and that you do have the resources within to overcome that one too.

Does someone in your life know what you’ve been going through lately? The last thing I’d want for you is to isolate when your heart needs a big hug. I’m proud of you for being here and reaching out, friend. We’re sitting alongside you during this painful time. :hrtlegolove:

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