EugeniaCooney Fan #147

The most recent time I felt alone is right now.

Hey I am sorry you are feeling alone. I have been dealing with this for awhile for sometime also. I hav found that reaching out in my struggle to friend and family. If you do not have that you have come to the perfect place on HeartSupport. Jump into our discord and open up. You will find a place of people that want to love you.

I want to leave you with this. You are not alone. You are not the only one in this struggle. You are loved. You are worth it. You are loved.

Hold Fast
Morgan Hochstetler
HS Intern

Hey there. I’m sorry things are tough right now, but you’re not alone. There are people out there who care about you, even if you don’t know them. Don’t be afraid to reach out. It’s hard, but you’re worth it :slight_smile: