EugeniaCooney Fan #15

I was at work and I was taking an order and trying to make a drink at the same time and I picked up the drink and dropped it and it spilled everywhere and I

AH I know how this feels… I stepped on a tv at work… yup. I feel the struggle haha. The best thing to do is laugh it off and get through the day. Sometimes the best thing to do is take a 15 second break laugh out loud and smile say I GOT THIS! cause you do!

Hold Fast
Morgan Hochstetler
HS Intern

I used to work in a pizza restaurant for 2 years. I messed up so many times I couldn’t count them. The best advice I could give to you would be to learn to accept your flaws. There is nothing wrong with making a mistake. You’ll never learn if you never make a mistake :muscle::muscle: