EugeniaCooney Fan #23

The most recent time I felt worthless was today when my best friend said she didn’t actually care about me

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Then she doesn’t deserve your time and energy. She might also be going through some difficult times right now and is taking it out on you. Take your distances and take care of your mental health :heart:

Then she is not your best friend. How unloving that is. I am so sorry you were told that also. You have a new friend though in me. I want you to know i care about you. I want the best for you. I want you to feel like sun shine. I want you to feel you are apart of a family that cares about you. That is here at HeartSupport.

Hold Fast
Morgan Hochstetler
HS Intern

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You are such a strong individual that merits all the kindness in life. I wish you all the love from the best of people, because you most of all deserve it!

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Be strong and don’t be afraid to let people who make you feel bad go from your life.

You’re NOT worthless. I think this means it’s time to make NEW friends and make NEW relationships with people. Hold fast!

This is a tough experience to go through. It’s not that you’re worthless, it’s that they may not understand your full worth. You have so much potential in you and the right people at the right time will see that. Maybe this is just a season in your friendship or perhaps they were only meant to be in your life for a season. You have worth and you should share that with those around you.

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