EugeniaCooney Fan #36

I have a few chronic illnesses that have recently made this year extremely difficult. I was used to being always in the go and this year I can barley go to Walmart and back without deflating and people don’t understand that my body physically can’t do what it used to right now. I’m bouncing from doctor to doctor trying to get help but for now it’s an adjustment. They say they understand but I can tell they get frustrated and I’ve never felt more secluded and alone in a body that I’m still learning about.

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Thank you for sharing. In this community of HeartSupport there are people that struggle with chronic illnesses also and share their battles. They find that they are not alone in this battle. Which I want you to know now also. You are not alone in this battle we care and want the best for you. It may feel that the whole world is against you, but you are not we are here for you. You got this! You are loved. You are not alone in this battle. You are worth it. You are valued.

Hold Fast
Morgan Hochstetler
HS Intern

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