EugeniaCooney Fan #53

When I promised my dad to do my best and it backfired on me. I failed finals and have to retake 4 classes. He’s so disappointed in me and all I want to do is make him happy.

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Yo sometimes we fall and we fall again but it is how we can get back up and keep moving forward is that how success is done. You got this. You if you want help join our discord. I know for a fact there are people willing to help you. Be honest with your Dad. I think it would make him proud that you see your faults and you want to make the better and that you want to make him proud. Heck you are making me proud you are even trying again. Some people just give up but not you! You know deep down you are worth it. That you can succeed and I personally am routing for you.

Hold Fast
Morgan Hochstetler
HS Intern

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