EugeniaCooney Fan #6

I just don’t think I’m that great and that I don’t have my life together. I just don’t know if I’m making the right decisions

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I have been in this boat before and I sometimes feel that way also. Where I have found forward motion you could say is make a small goal for the day. If I achieve that goal before the end of the day is done I find another. Then another. You begin to find positive movements in your life. I pray you and hope by reading this you do not feel alone and that you do not feel worthless. Because you have value in this world. You are worth something in this world. Love you

Hold Fast
Morgan Hochstetler
HS Intern

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Yo no matter what your life is like right now everything will be ok eventually. I know the storm of life is hard to deal with and confusing and you constantly feel like you’re losing your way but just keep going you’re so close to your breakthrough but you’ll never know it if you quit now you can make it and should never give up
know that out there people care know that everyone makes mistakes know that you aren’t alone and can do this.
Much love yo hope everything is better

I think it is great that you have taken the time to reflect on your life, not many people do that. With your insight and maybe a little help, I think you could find that confidence in your life choices. Don’t be afraid to open up to those who want to hear you - we can help offer perspective that you ARE great. :purple_heart:

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