Even though the details are not the same as someon

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Judith by A Perfect Circle
Even though the details are not the same, as someone who lost their mother recently (two months ago), this hits hard.


I’m so sorry that you lost your mom just recently. I really appreciate you reaching out. Losing a parent is something we hope to never face and when it happens the pain can be devastating. I pray for strength for you as you continue to grieve and that the memories of your mom are something that comforts you. Be kind to yourself and allow yourself to go through the process without feeling like there’s only one right way grieve. Healing takes time and everyone is different. It’s not easy but I pray you are able to hold onto hope and that pain becomes less raw. You are loved and you are not alone!

I only have my mom, and I know my world would end if I lost her. Please take things one day at a time. Try not to stay home alone too much, connect with friends. I’m praying for you and I hope that you can heal. You don’t ever really get over something like that, but living will get easier. :green_heart: