Ever Sat there and Wondered how it would feel to have a pencil stabbed into your hand?

Have you ever thought about just shoving a pencil, a pen, or just a sharp object into you? Just sit and think how painful it would be, how much of a distraction it would be to just simply send that pencil into your thigh or hand? Of course, it would hurt like fucking hell, but at the same time you don’t need to worry anymore. No worries about guilt, no worries about failing grades, no feeling worthless. Its just you, the pain, and the fool who thinks they are helping you by talking to you.

I recently have just came to a realization sometime ago… no one really gives a damn. They truly are selfish, and I’m not simply saying this because of depression. I mean truly, they don’ t care. Its not really their fault for the most part, its really their brain’s fault… You see, person reading this, Everyone only cares about 2 things in life. Finding things that make themselves feel good, and finding happiness in life. Every single person in life you know truly cares only about those 2 things, that includes yourself.

Not an easy pill to swallow, and you who are reading this probably have no fucking idea what I’m talking about, and that’s fine. It’s something I myself simply couldn’t figure out either for the longest simple time. We find and makes friends because we believe they will make our lives more happy. We care about other people when they are hurting because it makes you feel bad, and you want to stop feeling bad. We do idiotic things because they make us feel good, even if down the line it will simply come back and burn us. Kind people only are kind because they believe that they will get kindness and respect out of being that way. In this way, I guess we all have narcissistic tendencies within us, after all most of us get upset at tiny little things…

I feel like shit right now, would drink a beer if they didn’t taste like shit to me. I would smoke pot or weed, but can’t get myself out of the house to go get some, to have the courage to do that. I look in the mirror, and I’m just skinny, I see my ribs, I look at my face, its beautiful, then ugly, then beautiful again. I don’t know why my brain does this, or if anyone else even experiences this bullshit anyways, but my male mind can’t seem to make up its damn mind about how I look like. Maybe it just depends on my state of mind, and that is what truly decides to me rather or not I’m handsome or not. Makes me wonder if that’s how everything in the world is when it comes to beauty, its all truly as they say, “Beauty in the eyes of the beholder”. Granted, from my point of view, everything we all see is based on perspective, truly is. Good and Evil can’t really exist, its impossible for that to actually be real. Never in our lives will we ever meet someone who is truly good, or purely evil. Its all perspective in all honesty, its all bullshit for stories.

I’m just letting it all out, just vomiting this words on the screen right now, watching the pictures unfold in front of me,… I can’t let it all out, or else people would get pissed. That’s the problem about honestly, its just too hard for people to accept it. I could be completely unfiltered, and everyone would pretty much hate this post. No, couldn’t be hate, more like dislike or disinterest them. After all, you can’t hate something unless you love it. They both go hand in hand, same side of the coin.

I feel an urge to hang in the basement, but my body won’t let me. It’s too scared of the other side, of my spirit leaving it. My Body loves me, but I don’t. I disgust myself most of the time, just looking and burning and scarring myself all the while. But I can’t die, not until me spirit is completely broken, until I truly am at death’s door.

Part of me wonders what hell or heaven truly are, if they truly exist, after all, how would they exist? Do they exist somewhere in a black hole, or perhaps another dimension? How do we even go to heaven? Is god really there, or is it just my imagination? I feel these thoughts always crawling on the back of my mind, like a spider that your just too scared to try and swat away. I both love and hate these thoughts, but the fact that they conflict with my believes and my logic always serves to burn me a little. I don’t think god is a man, but beyond gender or anything like that. at at the same time, I wonder how the hell would a god even exist, and if so, what created him.

The words “I understand how you feel”, is a lie. Truly and honestly, anyone saying that is talking bullshit. To say that, is true arrogance. The only way they would know how I feel is reading my mind, and unless I’m not caught up with the current times, is fantasy. You can only see what I show you, and no one ever truly sees who someone is. Just what they are willing to share with the world.

That little voice in my head always tells me that no one is there, that no one is listening to these damn thoughts inside of me. I know that a half true, and half false. its like that asshole at work you want to say “fuck off” to. But you don’t. because you realize it only serves to fuck you in the future to say that, you realize there’s no real point to it.

I’m running out of steam, as well as things to say. To those who have read everything up to this point, I don’t know if to thank you, or ask if your insane. After all, this is just word vomit of emotions and thoughts. Nothing more, Nothing less…


What you saying is kinda reminds me when Alan Watts talk about yin and yang, Both the darkness and light, you need both to code existed. Everyone has a shadow that they hide. In my opinion, I think we need accept that we all selfish jerks, it part being human. Then you can kinda see we all equal in some way. Then when you can to start love people. It dosent mean let people walk over you Love mean accept people who they are, and see all have something in common. You are right, I don’t exactly is on you mind, but that doesn’t mean we relate. There always some meaning in life. Don’t think you need a god or a message to back it up. It just there and like the air. No matter what anyone can find meaning in anything. It what makes life worth living.

If you don’t mind, I would say instead of self harming, try different coping skills. I know it can’t get rid of dark thoughts, but it can give a different alternate. It okay feel the way you feel and have those thoughts. Again, I think we all need to accept our shadow. In addition you check YouTube video on “the shadow “ because it similar to what you are feeling. To be honest, I do feel bad for you and it makes me sad you feel this way. I would not be typing these if I didn’t mean it. I hope you can see good in the world too, even if is small things. Pleas stay strong and don’t give up.


I share some the same feelings about people being selfish. What I realized is that some people are more enlightened than others. Some people seem to never have problems. I know they do, but it seems that way. People are just people. Some are good, some are bad, some are half crazy, like myself. Strength comes through trials and difficult times. I know that doesn’t make you feel better but it’s true.

People only show you what they want you to see. Most are not going to come out and say, my marriage is failing, my kids are on drugs, I can’t pay my bills, etc. So consider the source. I think the truth really is, most people are so caught up in their own messes, they can’t really hear about anything else.

As far as does God exist, my personal thought is that he must because I have been in Hell for some time now. Nobody ever said life would be easy, they just said it would be worth it. Hang in there and realize that everyone is struggling in some form or fashion. Hang in there.


Hey @Altogryph81,

Thank you for being here, for sharing.

I recently have just came to a realization sometime ago… no one really gives a damn. They truly are selfish, and I’m not simply saying this because of depression. I mean truly, they don’ t care. Its not really their fault for the most part, its really their brain’s fault… You see, person reading this, Everyone only cares about 2 things in life. Finding things that make themselves feel good, and finding happiness in life. Every single person in life you know truly cares only about those 2 things, that includes yourself.

Not surprisingly you’d say, but I have to disagree with that. But as I hear your disappointment and understand that, from your perspective right now, disagreeing would only be a reaction of denial to what is your own truth, I hope you’ll still consider my reply. Not that my opinion is important. But generalizations can be a trap that prevents you to discuss, to see what this world, what others, can actually offer to you. Meeting the people who’ll help you to grow, to see that you are genuinely cared for, is also a matter of opportunities.

I can only talk for myself, but I don’t see happiness as a life goal. I’d rather seek meaning in the things I do, things that drives me everyday. And what is meaningful to me, the values I hold don’t necessarily made me do the things that would make me feel good, happy or comfortable, far from that. It’s just a question of prorities. And of course, pain, suffering are experiences that aren’t pleasant so we prefer to avoid them. But you can’t pretend to know what drives others through their lives. Just because if they can’t understand truly your own perspective and experience, then you can’t totally understand their either.

We care about other people when they are hurting because it makes you feel bad, and you want to stop feeling bad.

We have the capacity of empathy. And yes you can easily mistake your own feelings with others feelings. Which can be very destructive for everyone if you don’t acknowledge that. But feeling bad isn’t necessarily the motivation to help. What others are going through isn’t mine. I can feel someone else’s pain if it resonates with some personal experiences. But if I want this feeling to disappear, I could also turn my head and ignore the person who’s suffering. So if you don’t recognize your own limits, then yes you can’t be entirely honest.

I’ll never pretend to understand entirely what someone else is going through because we’re all unique, we follow unique paths, we’re experiencing this world through different bodies. Somehow we’re alone by definition. I’ll never be in someone else’s body or mind and I’ll never know truly what they’re going through. But that will never prevent me to try to help as much as I can and as much as I’m allowed to. Because loneliness and isolation bring too many of us into dark places while it can be prevented.

Kind people only are kind because they believe that they will get kindness and respect out of being that way. In this way, I guess we all have narcissistic tendencies within us, after all most of us get upset at tiny little things…

Can only echo what @Metalskater1990 said: “In my opinion, I think we need accept that we all selfish jerks, it part being human. Then you can kinda see we all equal in some way. Then when you can to start love people.”

There is indeed a part of selfishness in kindness. Because it also brings something to you. But it’s not necessarily what drives you entirely. It’s very important to be honest about the fact that helping has some effects on you. But if you think that it only provides something to you, then you also deny the effects of your actions on others. And it’s disrespectful regarding what they could say to you and what they’re going through. When you recognize this, you can actually be honest with others, not only with yourself, and reach a different level of love, which is unconditionnal.

Granted, from my point of view, everything we all see is based on perspective, truly is. Good and Evil can’t really exist, its impossible for that to actually be real. Never in our lives will we ever meet someone who is truly good, or purely evil. Its all perspective in all honesty, its all bullshit for stories.

Of course, human beings are way more complex than that. Violence, for example, is a way to be in this world, with others. But you learn to behave that way. It’s not acquired at first.

I’m just letting it all out, just vomiting this words on the screen right now, watching the pictures unfold in front of me,… I can’t let it all out, or else people would get pissed. That’s the problem about honestly, its just too hard for people to accept it. I could be completely unfiltered, and everyone would pretty much hate this post. No, couldn’t be hate, more like dislike or disinterest them. After all, you can’t hate something unless you love it. They both go hand in hand, same side of the coin.

You can be entirely honest, as long as it remains respectful. Discussion is open. It’s okay to have disagreements. Differences and diversity are what makes this world interesting. We’re all at the same place. We’re human beings, and no one holds the truth. But we can still talk about it and try to grow altogether in a world that is pretty hard to understand sometimes.

Through what you wrote here, I imagine that you’ve been deeply disappointed by some people. Trust is something that needs time to be build but it can be broken so quickly. So I hope that, by being here in this community, you’ll manage to see the other side of honesty. The one that actually help us all to grow as long as it is respectful. There’s always a difference between being respectfully honest and mean. As long as the person you’re talking with feel secure/safe with you because you actually do what you can for that, then they can accept to be out of their comfort zone when they hear something unpleasant.

I feel an urge to hang in the basement, but my body won’t let me. It’s too scared of the other side, of my spirit leaving it. My Body loves me, but I don’t. I disgust myself most of the time, just looking and burning and scarring myself all the while. But I can’t die, not until me spirit is completely broken, until I truly am at death’s door.

I can’t be more honest by saying that I’m sorry you’re experiencing this. Again, I’m not in your shoes. But for different reasons than yours, I too have been experiencing a huge feeling of self-disgust. And from my own experience, I can understand how destructive this feeling can be. Yes that’s limited, but that’s how I can relate to what you describe. Saying this doesn’t make your experience nor mine less real. And it’s not a lie when I say that I wish you didn’t have to go through this. The words you use are heavy, but you’re honest and I thank you for that. You did a first step by reaching out and let all of those things out of your chest. So please, stay with us.

That little voice in my head always tells me that no one is there, that no one is listening to these damn thoughts inside of me. I know that a half true, and half false. its like that asshole at work you want to say “fuck off” to. But you don’t. because you realize it only serves to fuck you in the future to say that, you realize there’s no real point to it.

Lies in our heads can be very powerful and convincing. So keep fighting against them. The point is to keep being you and to keep being alive. Because despite the things you’ve been through, no one knows what the future holds. It can be better.

I’m not used to share that here, but I draw something once, and I’d like to share it with you, as words are highly limited sometimes.

I do understand what kind of little voice you’re talking about. Many of us understand here. In different ways, through different perspectives. But we understand to a certain point and you’re not alone. That is, gratefuly, why this community exists. To let you know that despite the obstacles and despite the diversity of our experiences, we can be here for each other. We can do our best, altogether, to enlighten our own shadows.

We are here for you. I understand that it might be difficult to accept that, to believe it. Just know we’re here and we’ll still be here tomorrow and after. This is a safe place to be, to rest, to vent, to meet people who genuinely care.

Hold fast. :heart:



I appreciate the drawing, as well as the advice you have given me. That I do appreciate, as well as do my best to see my time through my troubles.
Regarding what you said about disagreeing about my point of view, I’m completely fine with that.To expect everyone to see things the way I do would be to expect them to have my same favorite foods. Philosophy is complex, and everyone has their own take on it. To state the obvious, I am glad you have posted on here and shared your own ideals, as it helps me shape my own.
To quote Thomas Edison " “We don’t know a millionth of one percent about anything”.
If I have become less then respectful, just let me know. The topic I created was more of a way to just splurge everything I kept bottled up inside. Thank you Sincerely.



I appreciate the advice you’ve given me, as well as talking about Alan Watts. I’ve never heard of him before, and it’s someone new to read about, I thank you for that. I have been attempting to find other mediums to “expel” me more darker thoughts. I’ve been trying drawing, reading, music creation, and other things to attempt to calm down those thoughts. As for " the shadow" I am looking that up right now, but I’m only seeing a 1994 movie. If you could post a link, that would help.
Thank you Sincerely

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Nobody ever said life would be easy, they just said it would be worth it
Touche, witness, Touche
I do agree with that you stated, about how most people to too busy staring into their own hell to see anyone else’s hell. Most are too afraid to share how they feel, which is probably the most contributing factor to why sites like these exist. Because they allow people to be honest without fear of judgement. Either way, thank you, and have a day.
Thank you SIncerely

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Your post wasn’t disrespectful at all! No worries. :heart:
Actually it gave me a lot to think about, so the long reply.
Thank you.

I’m glad you managed to post this. And I’m glad you’re here. Together we’re stronger.
Having a place where we can be honest about how we feel can be a relief, while navigating in this very busy-complex world.

Take care. :heart:

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Carl Jung & The Shadow) It base on this guy wirknnane Carl jung. It similar of what you have been talking about, check it out on YouTube.

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