Everything is dull

Do you know the feeling when you are no longer just a disappointment to yourself but also a liability. As though you are just a piece of broken glass that needs to be thrown away. I’m at a loss. I have no motivation for anything. Stopped working out, stopped reading, stopped drawing, failed exams. Everything I found fun just seems unimportant, I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s almost as though the world has gone grey. I just want something that will bring me colour, whether it’s bad or good, I just need something. For some reason everything seems pointless.


If there’s no reason for it then logically it’s not pointless

Fell better <3

I’ve been there and I know it sucks but hey. Everything will be better and if you can try and stay away from it, is not healthy and in the end you are not rewarded with anything… enjoy your life even if you don’t have friends stop for a moment and try to think about the things that makes you special and unique :3 I want to see you succeeding!

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Hey friend, I understand these feelings too well. I want you to know that you’re not alone. Hold fast.

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