Everything just falling apart

In that case, why not look for some online communities? This one for example. I personally don’t really hang out with anyone except my boyfriend IRL. 99% of my social life IS online.

Have you tried that? We would love to get to know you.

I’ve tried some I end feeling like I don’t really matter to anybody.

You matter to us, we wouldn’t make you feel that way. I have borderline personality disorder and I think everyone hates me, but the people here make me feel loved. They would you too

I’m standing in my kitchen making breakfast talking to you. I care

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@lonelyfreak That is not true, you are cared about its but you do have to keep persevering, as people have said to me in the past, no one is going to come and knock on your front door and fix it all for you, you have to make things happen yourself, trust me I do understand how hard it is to make those initial steps, its far easier to find reasons not to but the reasons not to will just keep you in the situation that you are in. xx

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I just feel so weak and scared I don’t know how to find courage or strength to do this.

You are doing it right now.

Do you watch Twitchtv.com

from time to time depends on if someone I like is streaming or if I’m in the mood

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Good. Heart Support has a channel and they stream almost every weekday. We hang out and talk about mental health and even if you just lurk, you are still a valued part of the community. We have different themed streams from a variety of very awesome people. It’s a very safe place to hang out and you will only feel loved there.

Here is the link.

Also the schedule for each week is posted so you can plan to be there.

AND we have a Discord you can join to hear announcements and other cool stuff about Heart Support.

So, I hope that you will take this invite and know that you are valued and loved in this community.

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thanks for all the support and kind words it really means a lot to me

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You’re very welcome :hrtlegolove:

I know I probably seem really pathetic, and like I’ve just given up, I’m really sorry for how I’ve been acting during this conversation normally I’m better than this.

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You haven’t done anything wrong. I make posts all the time about being depressed and worse, that’s what this place is for. It’s safe and people here really care.

You are not too much, you are just right.

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You don’t seem pathetic at all. To me it sounds like you’re in a difficult situation and that you’re suffering from it. It is okay to share how you feel. There is nothing wrong about that. Embrace your courage that you shared how you feel. That’s one more step out of the loneliness. Feelings of shame for being in such a situation keep us trapped.

I send you hugs and much love. I totally agree with Mystrose, you are just right. So glad you came here, because you matter and you deserve to be seen and heard. You’re always welcome to share with this community what’s going on in your life, if you want to. :hrtlegolove:

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thank you thats very kind of you.

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hi there! I see that you’ve got some awesome responses already…

I’ve been looking at your username for like a solid five minutes, and pondering on it. At first i read it as “lovelyfreak” which was one awesome name, but now i’m wondering if you genuinely do think that your loneliness makes u weird?
Loneliness is difficult, but it is also possible to be alone and not lonely. It’s one of life’s superpowers if we can be content and peaceful when we’re by ourselves.

That said, would you want to share some of the stuff you’re interested in doing? what does your average day look like? @Mystrose mentioned the HS Twitch stream, there are loads of streamers there, all doing different things that bring them joy. What things do you find meaningful? What is the best thing you would like to do if you could?

I’m glad you’re here with us. This is a lovely, safe space for you. If you need to build up conversation skills and just finding nice people to talk to, you’re in the right place. you’re not alone here, there are ears to listen and shoulders to help you carry your burdens. You matter, friend :slight_smile:

well I came up with the name because I’m lonely, and I think that I’m ugly and weird compared to others hence the freak part. I do feel a lot of the time that because I’m single, and about to be 29 and never had a relationship that I’m a freak.

As for what I’m interested in I like to draw,write,play video games stuff like that

And my days are typical I wake have breakfast do some work have lunch play a game or whatever have supper go to bed.

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thank you for the response. I debated on whether it would sound weird :slight_smile:
29 and no relationship ALSO means you haven’t had dramas in a relationship, that’s a win!!

29 is a great age to be, and it’s exciting that you learn so much about yourself, and learn to love yourself. That sounds like a fun, structured day! And those are some lovely hobbies!

everybody says that to me but it still doesn’t change how lonely I feel and I don’t know if I will ever be able to love myself all I can are my faults and short comings.

Hi there,

I know I’m coming in late to your post, but I wanted you to know that I read what you wrote and that I’m thinking of you. I’m about your age and I don’t really have friends irl. I had one bf a while back when I was at uni, but it ended in a really horrible way and I haven’t had any since. My Autism means I find meeting people really tiring, and once work is done, I’m kind-of peopled out! But, I still get lonely. It’s a really horrible sort of emptiness and I’m so sorry that you are going through it.

I guess I wanted to share that because it can feel when you’re lonely like you’re the only person who is alone and that it’s because there is something wrong with you. You’re certainly not alone in feeling alone and being lonely doesn’t mean there is something wrong with you. Many people feel alone.

I can totally see the connection between not-loving yourself and not wanted to engage with people, and it’s really good that you’ve noticed that too. You need confidence to meet new people, and for that you need self-worth. I think posting here is a fantastic first step in trying to change things. You’ve had so many responses from people who definitely see your worth (myself among them). I hope that can give you some sense of empowerment to get help for yourself. Maybe now is the time to reach out for a therapist, if you haven’t already. As I said, I think the road out of loneliness has to start with your own sense of self-worth.

All of us here think you are worth knowing. Now you need to convince yourself. x

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thank you for sharing that with me it really is easy to believe your all alone and by yourself. in the past I’ve tried to have a therapist but nothing really changed for me.