Exposure therapy - Social Anxiety


I really want to try to do that exposure therapy so i can overcome my social anxiety - one that simply consumes me for too many years.

I think of things i could make, that naturally gives me fear, so i can go and do it and then realise that the consequence is not as bad as i thought it would be.

The problem is though, i simply can’t. Something holds me, i can think of anything i can do and there’s this unbelievably strong force that keeps me from moving, it’s too strong. This fear of judgement is absolutely terrifying, even with some facts that i’m aware that should change it, like the fact that people are more worried about themselves than judging me; or that everyone have flaws, etc etc.

I’m honestly working too hard on this, doing everything in my power, exhausting myself on trying to overcome this absolute distress that accompanies for all this time, can you PLEASE advise me? I’m not going to a therapist, it’s as terrifying as anything else, so i might as well try to overcome the other things directly.

Thank you very much.


From Manni XP: Hey, thank you for sharing!
Exposure therapy takes a lot of courage, and I want to commend you for trying it.
I also would like to encourage you to seek such resources as self-help books from professionals - even without a meeting, their knowledge may help you find something that works for you!

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From: eloquentpetrichor

Hello, Man128898, it is admirable that you want to try and overcome your fears and anxieties. That can be a daunting task to do alone and without the support of someone equipped to help you, such as a therapist.

If you think it would be helpful to do so you may think about coming up with a plan for what you want to achieve and overcome and how you choose to go about it so that you can have a path forward you can look at. You may even want to look at this https://forum.heartsupport.com/t/about-the-action-plan-category/36383 as it may help you formulate your plan for what you wish to accomplish.

I want you to remember that none of us here are therapists and therefore we are not qualified to advise you specifically in a way you may wish. Any advice you receive here, please remember that it is nothing more than what anyone person, just like you, believes may be helpful.

I hope that some of the words you receive do help you and I wish you luck on this journey. Please continue to update us on how it goes. I’m sure we’d love to read more about your journey. :hrtlegolove:

From MyriVonGD: Hello! I struggled with the same thing for a LONG time, and I still do sometimes. What worked for me is going veeeeery slowly. For example, going to a new place. I would start by googling it, checking on Google Maps where it is, what it looks like, where I could park, etc. When I get comfortable with that, I would just drive there, but I wouldn’t go in just yet. Just drive there, get the feel. Eventually, I was ablw to park, walk around. And THEN I could go in, for a short time. And you just go from there ^^ Also, I had a lot of therapy in my life, I still do, and every single therapist I met told me the est thing is exposure therapy. So that’s great you wanna try that, you’re on the right track! Even a baby step is still a step forward, so don’t give up, you’ll get there :smile: