Facing my fear

Today a girl approached me at school, she was new and she was asking for directions to the cafeteria, instead of me saying “I don’t know” as I always do to girls I decided to show where the cafeteria was. I had a full conversation with her, I was stuttering, sweaty, I couldn’t look at her and I barely remember what we were talking about though, but this was the first time I talked to a girl in a year. She probably thought I was a weirdo though cause she couldn’t stop laughing.



I don’t think what she thought should matter (though I totally get why I does). Its awesome you took a step.

I have trouble talking to people myself and it gets easier the more you do it.

She also may have just though, what a nice guy to take a minute to show me where the cafeteria is.

regardless, good for you!

Hey @Hoffman, that’s so awesome! Regardless of what she might have thought about you, what you did was a huge step! I too was very stressed to talk to boys/men while I grew up, and felt more comfortable being myself when being with girls. I still feel a little bit that way sometimes, as male figures tend to intimidate me a little more. This is not uncommon when we struggle with anxiety, and I hope you know that it doesn’t make you weird in any way. We’re only human.

You can be proud of yourself for facing your fear today! Know that we’re proud of you right here. It’s through this kind of repeated experience that you will learn to progressively ease your fears and your anxiety. Well done, friend! This is a step forward, and something worth to be celebrated. :hrtlegolove:


Hello Hoffman!

The Houston HeartSupport Team replied to your post again! They really felt the need to keep encouraging you. Here is the link to the video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ME3LyZbV4V9JMabOtbwly-i__nZFKEsI/view?usp=sharing

Hold Fast
Morgan Hochstetler