Feeling broken for stupid reasons

One of my closest friends and I made plans months ago to spend New Year’s Eve together, but apparently now he promised someone else to go away with them.
I feel betrayed and forgotten. I feel confirmed that I’m just not worth somebody’s time and company.
I was planing this sort of big party for all our friends, and now their idea is to rent a cabin and be away for a couple of days.

December is so hard for me, but the only thing I look forward to is the changing of the year, and this year I wanted to throw this cool party to actually do what I’ve been wanting to do for years, and I finally have a stable group of friends that I love and now this will be taken from me.

I know, it’s just a stupid day of the year, but I was so looking forward to hosting the people I love.

I don’t know how to tell them how I feel and I just said “cool, you should do that” and now I’m crying in the bathroom because I feel so alone.
I know it’s stupid. I’m writing this here to get it out and I have no one else to vent to. And I don’t want the alternative, keeping it all inside until I explode.


No its not stupid. I’m sorry that you plan fell through. I’m glad you are crying and getting them negative feelings out a lot better than bottling them up.

People in general are strange. There are no amount of words to fix a plan of this magnitude. However you can still enjoy an evening. Though this seems a failure it is a mild eye opening experience.

I can suggest when you are ready to ask them why they did not wish to attend your function. The answers may suck or they may dodge the question or deflect or half answer or truth or save face or any number of possible of things. So heads up.

But you are a person and allowed to feel hurt and betrayed. Your feelings are valid. I hope this does not discourage you from trying again.

Try to take it day by day.

Stay strong and preserve my friend.

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