Feeling less crazy

Hey guys,
It’s been a minute since I’ve been on. I really struggled finding words for how I felt this month. I’ve really just been focusing on me and doing some healing and journaling exercises. I feel a little less like I’m drowning everyday. I still feel really close to the edge, like everything I’ve been working on could go down the drain. With April starting my goal is to start journaling everyday whether on here for y’all or in my notebook. I just want to be healthy and free from the trauma responses from everything.

Thank you for interacting with me and reading about my SA.


Hey friend @Newt_willow, I’m so glad to hear that you’re feeling okay, even just by a bit. I hope everything for you continues to go well my friend. Hold fast :hrtlegolove:

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I am very glad you are feeling better, proud of you friend! Continue practicing self care and taking everything one day at a time. You got this <3

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Hi @Newt_willow

I’ve responded to your post here. Hold fast friend, and lean on our community!

  • John
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Hey @Newt_willow, thank you so much for sharing your progress here. Good for you to take the time to acknowledge it, really. It’s part of growth too.

It sounds that you’ve been taking some important steps in order to take care of yourself lately, which is truly awesome. Journaling can be very powerful when it comes to dealing with deep and difficult emotions.
In any case, one step at a time, friend. Healing from traumas can be a long journey, but you’ll get there. We believe in you. We’re in this with you. You got this. :hrtlegolove:

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@Micro @HS_John
Thank you both so much for the encouragement! I feel much better after a good game plan and the support from y’all. :blue_heart:

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