Feeling Out of it

Hello everyone. My name is Omar and I am 21 years old and this is my first time on the discussion wall ever since I was told by Jake about HeartSupport. Over the years, I have struggled with mood swings and many anxiety attacks but I still don’t know what I have. I’ve been encouraged by my pastor to speak to a therapist and a psychologist to see if I have a mental disorder. I’ve only had one session with my therapist and tried to set up more but she had personal things to attend to. Lately with the pandemic, just working many hours at my job, I’ve been feeling mute, not having the energy to do the things I love. Sometimes my mind likes to wonder and I start to think about how I kill myself and I enter in a state where I do not want to talk to anyone. I isolate myself for about 3-4 days from everything until I feel better. My mother and siblings help me out when I am feeling depressed and remind me about religion. I know religion is not for everyone but Christianity has helped me with my depression as I found a foundation where I can hope and pray to see what is wrong with me. But sometimes it doesn’t help. To this day, I don’t have many panic attacks and I try not to think about the negatives in my mind but that sense of hopelessness and it drains all the energy I have and it brings me back to thinking negative and screaming and crying in my car on my way home. I need some advise on how get out of the perpetual rut and feel better.


hey omar man that sux n hope life gets easier. n i may not be perfect n suffer from the same thing i know the feeling man like 2 weeks ago i was in the worst state ever like one of my friends moved away and just isolated myself for 5 days n feel empty like a husk almost n all im thinking when and where should i kill myself so that day i mustered myself to go to a local hardware store grab a peice of rope n tie a noose n just be done with it but thankfully my friend phoned me n tbh it didnt get better than that. but maybe 3 or 4 days later n i just said fuck it im gonna smoke weed n it does really help with that stuff. so just try to look foward to the happy days. like it may not be today or tomorrow but it will get better n it may be small but just try to savor that n try to distract yourself like music or movies or just hike or exercise would be great aswell n well i hope u find this helpful and stay strong