Feeling unwanted

I feel desperate for attention. Im deleting my social media after starting up again two weeks ago. I feel so much anxiety and just want to feel wanted. I feel like I’m looking like an idiot messaging people who clearly don’t care. I just broke up with someone so I think I’m having a hard time feeling the lonliness. I feel so unwanted right now.


Social media may not be a reliable source for positive attention. If you say something, and expect a positive response, and one does not appear, it’s easy to think people don’t care. If you are posting among a group of very active social media users, there’s a very good chance that your posts are being overlooked. The same is true for messages. Even if your messages are seen, a person may be so swamped by messages that they simply don’t answer. The sad thing is, people who are that “popular,” have great difficulty in determining who their real friends are.

Sometimes social media friends become real friends, but it usually takes quite a while for that to happen. Since the beginning of my time on social media, I’ve put out just a few friend requests, definitely less than 10. I feel as though if I request a friendship, I am putting the other person on the spot, and they may accept me simply because they don’t want to hurt my feelings. When someone sends me a friend request, I go to their page, and check out their friends and their postings, so I can have some kind of an idea of who they are is a person.

Somehow, I have ended up with a couple of hundred friends, but really only communicate with six of them. I think after 18 years of Facebook, that’s a pretty small number. I don’t have much to do with any of the other social media programs.

If you feel unwanted, and that you’re messaging people who don’t care, it might be time to try a different approach. No doubt, there are tons of people who would like to have your company. One of the most reliable approaches to getting the attention you desire, is based on the principle of giving what you most wish to receive. If you wish to receive love, give it. If you wish to receive acknowledgment, acknowledge others. If you want to receive attention, be generous with your attention towards others. Are there people around you who seem lonely? Are there any homebound people near you who could do with a bit of company? Do you have an interest or hobby that could be shared with others?

As I already mentioned, there are people who want to have you around. It’s just a matter of connecting with them.

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Hi Rosethorn, I’m so sorry that you’re feeling lonely and not wanted. I know how it feels because I suffer from the same thing. I want you to know that here, you are wanted and loved. Breaking up with someone really sucks, but you did it for a reason, so find some peace there. How are you doing now? ~Mystrose


From: Lisalovesfeathers

Hi Friend, I am so sorry that you feel in such a dark place. I know how much you ex hurt you but it is still very hard to come to terms and over come the end of a relationship but as time goes on it does get easier and you will start to find new ways to move forward. We are of course here for you to support and help all we can and we do care very much about you. You are wanted and loved very much. I hope that you can find a way to get past this time, maybe find a new interest to take your mind off of old ones. In the meantime remember that we are here. Much Love Lisa. xx


From: eloquentpetrichor

Hey, Rosethorn :hrtlegolove:
Maybe messaging people on social media isn’t the best way to reach out to people and try to make or strengthen connections. It can be so difficult to keep up with people on social media especially people who use every app and platform in the 'verse. It can be so easy to accidentally get lost in people’s DMs and notifications that you get ignored without any intention of being ignored. I hope you can find a way to make friends that don’t rely on internet communication. And I know you may be feeling extra lonely without your ex around but please reread your posts about him and remind yourself that you are better off without him in your life.

I hope that you do not count HeartSupport as one of the social media platforms you plan to delete and you stick around the community. We care about you :hrtlegolove:


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