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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Judith by A Perfect Circle
Felt that way and still do some days when my devoted faithful pregnant fiance was killed in a car accident by a drunk driver…years later i still feel like it should have been me the less faithful that died
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First, I just want to give you my deepest condolences regarding your fiance. Losing a loved one in a tragedy can be so incredibly difficult regardless of the surrounding circumstances. Survivor’s guilt can be a difficult thing to deal with at times as well. I have experienced far more than my share of loss since I was 5 years old. I am now 38. I cannot begin to understand how youre feeling but I do know you’re here for a reason. Maybe you have a gift that the world is blessed to receive. Maybe sharing your story saves the lives of others. You very much matter as much as she did. We all do things in our life that can negatively affect how we see ourselves. But every day is a new day. A new chance to live in a way that makes you feel worthy of life. Because you deserve that. To live. To be happy.
My mom died in a drunk driving accident when I was 1 and a half. It’ll get better. Just have to give it time.
@HeartSupport that’s for sure I try to remember the good times and live to make her proud
@TenaciousGrace @FurnaceFest_Fans
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I have no doubt you make her proud. I hope you can give yourself some grace and be proud of yourself as well.