Filling good about life right now

Filling good about my life lots of good things came into my life since i was last here new girlfriend new meds life seems to be coming together and i think she might just be the one we want to spend every minute together and we like all more all the same things so try and keep your head up on those dark days because you never know what’s around the corner


That’s beautiful and very inspiring!! Thanks for coming back to share :slight_smile::slight_smile:


That’s so awesome, @Dani. Thank you for taking the time to share this, also for your encouraging words. What a beautiful message!

Keep your head up as well.

Wishing you all the best. :hrtlegolove:


Thanks for sharing the good news!! So happy for the both of you.


Thanks for your comments it’s good to have a place like this to come to when in need

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