Free write the f*ck out of life

Today I cried…and I’m not sure why.
Is it because I feel inadequate? Is it because I was triggered?
Or maybe it’s because I’m falling in love…
Possible rejection lingering.
Please don’t self destruct…
For once, try not to ruin this.
I feel consumed- as if already defeated.

And I could really use a hug…

And WHY won’t I take pictures of myself? I hate the world looking at me,
But I like attention-

I claw at my wrist whenever I’m uneasy, and tonight my wrist is red and swollen, from this horrible habit I’ve adopted
I wish I’d stop doing that.

Could you like a girl with an anxiety rash,
Who won’t take pictures of herself,
who is self destructive and fleeting?..

Because I could really use that hug, when I’m crying for no reason.


hugs I’m sorry no one gave you a hug earlier :frowning:

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Thank you for the

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Feel fee to pm me any time you need a hug in future :smiley:

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