Friends are hard

From melliemunster: I have a friend that’s always correcting me and it’s so draining! I’m also tired of explaining myself so much. Any advice?

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That’s a good question. Usually, open, honest and respectful communication is required for this type of situation. To let your friend know that the way they correct you make you feel bad, and that you would love for them to pay more attention to not doing it. Otherwise you’ll feel more and more frustration growing in you over time, which might lead to not wanting to have that kind of conversation at all. Friendships are made of two, and it’s okay to talk about those things when it’s needed. Relationships are hard work, and sometimes a behavior from a friend doesn’t make us feel comfortable. It’s okay to have these conversations and making sure that you’re on the same page, so you can work on this together and feel comfortable together. It doesn’t mean you don’t love them or vice versa. Sometimes things annoy us, but a clear communication can help resolve it. :heart:

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From melliemunster: <:hrtlegolove:387371584857571328>

From cypixelz: Me too; I feel the same. I suspect he’s not the most observant guy, that he suffers from a rigid, black and white way of thinking, as does my brother. Usually I calmly tell them something along the lines of “yeah same thing” or “whatever man, what does it matter?”
“What does it matter?” is my favorite because if they’re being nitpicky or correcting me for pronouncing a word wrong (which I cant help because of my braces) it reminds them it’s small and insignificant, think big picture. <:hrtlegolove:387371584857571328>