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From itsmelgp: wall I just push through because I do what is expected of me… I’m expected to take care of things… I’m expected to carry the weight… unfortunately my second husband who I stupidly thought was my Rock went to prison 3 years ago… now I don’t want to be close to anyone and I stay pretty isolated… unless I’m at a concert… music is my life… without that there’s really not much…I am exhausted inside… it never goes away and people think I’m dark or a whiner… I’m sick of hearing get over it…I can’t…:pensive:


he itsmelgp, thank you a lot for sharing and reaching out. that takes strength and courage to do. so
be proud of that. you don’t carry the weight alone. you are not alone in this. isolating yourself will led
to more and more of this toughts. the toughts and worries we keep for ourselves, will haunt us back and don’t to justice to our mood and feelings.
let them out. what is spoken out, what you let out helps you talking helps a lot.
there is a safe place for you, if you want one in our community. be sure and aware
of that. you are loved and you matter. there is so much beauty out there, and music is also for me one
of the most precious things. thank you my friend, take care and feel hugged. :purple_heart: