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From jayonesilvas: Definitely struggling from this last week up until today. Really bad honestly


Yeah - really hard to keep going when you hit such an intense low. It feels like lows like this can cut all of the wind out of your sails, like that’s it - how could I ever recover from this? It just stops you cold and you forget there’s even an option - or the option feels so impossible it’s just a joke to even consider - to keep going. Part of the beauty of opening up and inviting others in like this is that we get to be mirrors for each other. Honestly in my life I’m right there with you - I don’t know the specifics of your story - but just literally today I was zoning out while my kids were all around me and thinking - how am I going to make it through this day? Just so overwhelmed and on the verge of tears. That shit stacks too. Exhaustion begets exhaustion, which makes tomorrow feel impossibly heavy. But you know something that amazes me is I’m at the end of the day I didn’t think I could complete. “We out here,” ha. Thankful we push through the hard days and make it through together. You got this, we got this.

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I’m sorry you’ve been struggling so much, friend. Although so very grateful that you also took the time to comment here and share about how you’ve been feeling. It’s so hard to keep putting one foot in front of the other when it seems like everything is falling apart and there’s not much reason to keep moving forward. Hard to keep going for yourself, to see the value you have and embrace it every day that passes. I myself have experienced – and continue to experience – seasons in my life when I felt like there was nothing ahead of me. When you feel that down, it feels almost impossible to get back up, to make the effort to stay committed to your own well-being.

I don’t know what’s going on in your life right now and what’s making you feel down, but know that if you want to talk about it, you’re totally welcome to do so. There are burdens that don’t have to be carried just by yourself. During my darkest moments, I wished I had someone by my side to remind me of the essential things I needed to hear – that I am important, that I belong in this world, that what I was feeling was not destined to last for the rest of my life… that I was going to get through this. Even if I didn’t want to be seen or heard, just having a friend by my side would have changed a lot. I hope that here at Heartsupport, the community we have can become a shoulder to lean on at any time. Know that you are not alone, that your voice is not silenced – you are heard, and no matter what obstacles you face, there are people in this world who believe in you. You will make it through. <3