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From juliecluckey: I love this :heart:! I struggle almost everyday with not being good enough to people I care about! I over love and think to much and I feel like I get nothing in return and a lot of times I feel all alone and not loved.I also feel like I’m a outcast but I always tell my self I am better than this and try to overcome it and try to stay in a better mood music always helps! Thank you for doing this!:heart:


julie - I admire your heart. You can see the struggle inside, and you fight to believe the truth. Some days are harder than others, and music feels like an anchor, a dependable rebound.

It’s hard to feel like you’re connected to others, but…not QUITE. You’re accepted by others…but not FULLY. You love them…but it’s not TOTALLY enough. It leads you to think - what is wrong with me that I can’t ever measure up? Will I ever be enough? Will I ever be accepted and loved as I am? Will there ever be a day where I just feel at peace with myself and not just feeling nitpicked, with a thousand papercuts that ultimately leave me shredded. Standing. But shredded.

This is so hard. Because the solution is so unclear. It’s hard to feel like there’s ONE THING to work on. Or ONE THING to improve. It feels murky. And so it feels hard to pin down and improve. Which keeps you spinning. Getting glances at healing, but never hitting the mark.

And at the same time, it’s also not life or death, not all consuming, right? So it’s also easy to let go of and forget.

But you see the water you swim in. Which is hard to do. And you wonder - is there an alternative?

I love the courage you have to hope. It’s worth it.

We’re all outcasts. I feel ya. God loves us. He sees me even when I don’t see myself. If only I could see that at times! Haha Thx for sharing :slight_smile: