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From larry67morgan: The voice in my head are real and I don’t like them when they try to take over!! I keep them locked up to stay as positive as I can!

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It’s awful how these voices that try to put us down can be overwhelmingly present, taking over everything else in our life. It’s a normal reaction to try to control them and stay positive – if I may ask, is this strategy functioning for you? Have you found some good coping mechanisms that you can rely on? If you would like to free yourself of these thoughts and let them exist somewhere else than your mind, at least once, you are also more than welcome to share them here. No pressure or obligation – if you don’t want to, that’s okay. Know that it’s a safe place and you wouldn’t be judge. The amount of horrible things I can think of myself at times scares me a lot, but I do personally find freedom in just practicing to share it at times, with safe people. It feels like the pressure it creates in me is lessened. Weirdly enough, the more we try to avoid something, the more it tends to get heavy and real to us. <3

larry - yes, it is helpful to acknowledge - i’m not making this stuff up. The battles I fight are real. And it’s helpful to PREVENT the fights from happening. To leverage the tools you have to win the fight before it even begins. This is just smart fighting, man. Acknowledgement and prevention. Well done.