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From lily.anafrancis: that I’m not good enough or I don’t deserve to be here or that I’m better off dead


Hi Lily-anafrancis🌸

You are precious and your life is of such great value. Your smile, your laughter and your kind heart is so needed in this world. Please do hold onto life. I know it’s hard and your heart is hurting, but there is always hope. Is there anything happening in your life that you need to talk about? Sometimes knowing that we have someone to talk to can help ease the burdens and heavy heart. You are beautiful and special and need to be here to tell others your story one day of how you have overcome your hard situation.
Much love and hugs :hugs:


@heartsupportwall thank you so much, that made my night❤️


Hi lily,
that is not true. we often narrow our sights. let tougths, worries and struggles take over. we don’t see what
surrounds us, and who we really are. when you reach out, what you did here, when we speak out what is on
our minds, we keep that struggles a bit from haunting back. it helps to talk. it helps to take that step.
Thank you for that, for being here. you can be proud of yourself, we are, and i am. you are strong !
admitting what makes you struggle, what hauts you, is an incredible strength. look around you. there are people, family and friends who love you, because of you! you are beautiful the way you are. this is what
makes us human, everyone is beautiful in their own way. life is beautiful and blooming, if you let it be.
be kind and treat others like you want to be treated. you will do great. this world is better with you in it, with
everyone out there in it. thank you for that. you are loved, you matter most. feel hugged, and have a wonderful
day. :purple_heart:

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I know it may sound generic when people say that I’m glad you’re here, but genuinely, I’m so glad you’re here. I hope this community helps you find the support you need to feel like your life has value, because you deserve that. You are so important x

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