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From ralphl199: No one cares about me :pensive:


Hey ralphl199, thank you so much for taking the time to express that. Not only it takes a lot of strength to open up about feelings that makes us feel so vulnerable, but it’s also the very first step to create connections that could be meaningful and healing to you. There are so many times in my life when I have felt the way you do, as if the pain and loneliness were taking over everything in my life, yet it seemed invisible to everyone. It’s hard to find the right words to express those things, hard to dare to say “look at me, I need you”, hard to not dwell into the loneliness it creates. I may not know you personally, but I see you right now, and I hope you will take this very moment as a sign to not let these thoughts take the best of you. Some people may not care, or are simply not emotionally available to actively show that they care, but there are many people out there – and right here – that genuinely care and wouldn’t let someone abandoned on the side of the road. This disconnection that you feel makes sense, although I would like to encourage you to not let it be a fuel for more isolation and resignation. Sometimes we need to keep opening new doors in order to not just be seen, but acknowledged the way we need to. Your voice is important. How you feel matters. There is a lot of value and beauty in the person you are. These thoughts and emotions don’t reflect your worth and how lovable you are. I don’t know you, but I care about you right now and I hope you’ll make sure to connect with people in your life who can be present for you, to let them know that you need an ear to listen, a shoulder to rest on. And if you don’t have that type of support in your life right now, our online fam’ at Heartsupport will always welcome you with open arms. You are loved. You are not alone. <3

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hi ralphl, thank you sharing this. this takes a lot of strength and shows heart. we often struggle with that,
we do. i do also. i often and still struggle alot, with the feeling that no one cares or i don’t deserve
something. also its hard, the hardest for me, to accept help in times of need.
but when you reach out, when you speak out and share, like you do here, with the people who love
you, family and friends, you will see that they care. they will help you , if you let them.
don’t isolate yourself from those people, it has brought nothing to me than darkness and guilt to this
point. time that i will never have back. You are not alone in this.
do things you love, that you like, that make you feel good, spend time with the people that love you.
you are loved and you matter most my friend, feel hugged and take care of yourself :purple_heart:

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@heartsupportwall6 thanks for replying, reading this made me feel better I can’t thank you enough :pray::pray::heart:

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@heartsupportwall8 this is already helping :blush::mending_heart::pray:

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