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From sammiel9156: I have depression and anxiety. It’s a fight everyday to just keep breathing. I was hospitalized twice for attempted suicide before the age of 25. I thank God for the great family and friends that I have, and for the amazing music @popevil make. I’ve shared my story of how “Torn” saved my life after one of my best friends died. I wouldn’t be here without it reminding me to be at least half the person he’d want me to be. In January I am going back to therapy.


Sam - this is powerful. The journey is always messy, but to be able to look back and see how you dug deep, how you sought support, how you fought and WON, so many times. Yes - it’s not “finished”, but there’s so much strength in your victories. Even as you face a new season in your journey, there’s hope you have in the progress you’ve made. And the beautiful thing is - there’s more freedom and healing available. Excited for you as you pursue it.

Thank you for sharing your heart and experience. I am so glad you are still here to add value to this world. You are needed and loved. It’s so great to hear you have support and family. Hold onto all that is good and healthy and what keeps you striving to live and be the person you are meant to be. The world would not be the same without you.
Much love and hugs