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From tattooedmom82: I’m not worth it. I’m a worthless piece of garbage.


hi tattooedmom, what makes you feel that way? do you want to reach out more? there is always a place for you, in our community to feel safe. we all struggle, we all have our worries.
you are not alone in this. :purple_heart:
you have reached out, that is a big first step of many. it takes energy, it takes time but it is worth it,
because you matter ! because you deserve that. you are loved and you are worth of it, a place in life with happiness, joy and love, beauty and peace. your family and friends will be there for you, when you let them, like we are now. small steps matter most. thank you a lot for sharing and posting.
feel hugged my friend.

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I feel that and say the same words way too often, but part of me knows it isn’t true. Do you feel that, too?

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