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From twinbbdaddy: I lost my best friend and partner 5 yrs ago. I went from being happily engaged and planning our wedding while raising our 4 children to being a single parent to 4 over night. She was taken suddenly by complications of a seizure. I went down a very dark road and am still climbing out of it. Love everyday like it’s your last


Hi Friend, thank you for sharing your story. i feel so sorry for your loss and my toughts are with you and
your family. this is heartbreaking and no one in this world deserves something like that. you can be so
proud of yourself, we are and also i am proud of you. going through all of this, raising your 4 childrens, be
there for your family takes a lot of strength after such a tragedy. take one step after another, small ones also
matter, you are strong and you and all of your loved ones deserve everything good in this world. i wish you
only the best for your journey that lies in front of you. you matter and are worth of it, feel hugged and
have a nice day, Greetings

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Shit…tragic, man. There are no words to put a finger on the pain. It is devastating. World-ending, but yet you don’t even get the grace to slow down to experience it. The damn thing forces you to keep your feet moving. The world keeps turning when it should have stopped. And you’re faced with this reality of raising four kids. Blessings, all of them. But the weight of it, NEVER having someone to bounce parenting off of, to go from stable, loving, PARTNERSHIP to completely alone. To not have the person you usually grieve with to grieve with…to not have an adult you’re doing life with - your only daily companions now your kids…to no longer have a lover, the depth of that loneliness, that no one knows you the way she did. There are just so many layers and facets of the pain. You live in the same house and everything reminds you of her. There isn’t any moment that isn’t reminding you of her. You look in your kids face and see her. You lay in bed at night and feel the emptiness. It feels MADDENING. Abrupt. Cruel the depth and perseverance of the pain. And yet…you have to swallow so much of it because you’ve got to keep going with and for your kids. And then compound this by the fact that all four of them are experiencing these depths of grief that even they don’t know how to communicate. There are days where your emotions just volcano out of you, out of them. There are so many untold consequences. Many days it feels like - how do we even keep moving forward? Like your feet are moving but you’re not actually consciously willing it. It is out of body. Man, my heart goes out to you. I know you don’t need pity - you are coping, you are strong, you are caring for your kids, you are loving and living and going to be fine. But just cracking open this tiny window into your life, you are carrying so much. I’m proud of the choices you’ve made to keep going when giving up would have been easier. I’m sure it’s messy as fuck. I’m a dad of four too, and there are days and things I do that I regret. Can only imagine having to do it all solo plus carry all of your grief and emotions…messy is normal, imperfect is normal, it is just part of your story now. Grace, man. You’re doing so well. Thank you for continuing to father those children. You are a good man. Even on your worst days, you choose to persevere, and that is what they need - not a perfect dad, but THEIR dad. Especially now. Well done.

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