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From vine.don: I have had the demons of PTSD and depression that I have fought for 20 years. My grandson mentioned these very words last night as he was testing for his next-level karate belt. He sometimes goes too fast and needs to slow down in his moves. Halfway through his tests, that voice in his head told him to slow down. When he told me this, I immediately thought of the lyrics to this song and told him that I was going to share it with him to remind him to remember to slow down. Thank you!


This is beautiful. There is so much wisdom in the words of your grandson. And how brilliant it is to manage to identify this need while doing his moves. What a beautiful life lesson there through a physical practice. Struggling with past traumas, it is hard to not feel stuck in a survival mode at times – the urge to do, to run either at full speed or shutting down completely is overwhelmingly present. Hard to see what’s happening, why it’s there and consciously telling ourselves to slow down. It takes practice for sure. But what a beautiful way to learn to reinvest your body and your life differently – to heal overall. One of the biggest challenges to me while recovering from trauma is to be patient with myself, decrease this sense of urge and impending doom all the time. What your grandson shared is a beautiful reminder of what we can do to reinvest our life differently. Thank you for sharing! I hope that, you too, manage to slow down when you need to. Hope healing also means for you to embrace time just the way it is, that you get to choose more and more how your respond to your environment, and not to only react to it. <3

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@heartsupportwall3 thank you for your positive reflection, it meant a lot. Happy holidays!

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Thank you for sharing this. I’m sorry that you’ve struggled with PTSD. Keep fighting the good fight my friend. The words and wisdom that your grandson has learned is truly beautiful. Karate is such a wonderful discipline and I wish him much success as he learns and grows.


From: ManekiNeko

it’s amazing how young people can teach us so much. They’re so full of wonder and they bring us such fresh perspective we sometimes forget.

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Hi friend,
thank you for sharing this with us. sometimes turning down the pace, helps a lot at times in life.
with everything around us moving so quickly, we forget about so much. going slow does not mean standing
still, just to be aware more and still you are processing. really a beautiful thing to share.
you are loved my friend, you matter. feel hugged


From: Dr Hogarth


Thank you so much for sharing this. Remembering that we’re not alone and that we matter is so important; I love that your grandson inspired you to remember that.

You’re loved x

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Thank you for sharing! Kids are amazing aren’t they?

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PTSD and depression are so heavy. It’s easy to get lost in those 2 things. I think it’s very wise of your grandson to mention slowing down. This spiral of depression and ptsd can go quite quick. Slowing down and focusing on the moment can help slow the spiral and can pull you out of that feedback loop of negativity. Sending love your way, friend. Thanks for your post.


From: Lisalovesfeathers

Hi Friend, thank you for this post, I am sorry you have been dealing with ptsd and depression for so long, I am pleased though that it has not interfered with the relationships you have with your family esp the one you are having with your grandson, he also seems to have wisely learned with your help to calm himself in a good way when he needs to. thats fantastic. Much love lisa. x

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