Getting Better


I’ve vented and posted on here about how bad I feel about myself a few times already, and I think I’m actually starting to make an improvement in my own health. For years I’ve been stuck on feeling uncomfortable with feeling happy. I’d been sad and hurt my entire life, so feeling better than I had felt foreign and strange. But I think I’m starting to overcome that.

The other day, I said to myself “That’s it, we’re going to stop cutting” and I’m sticking to it. Of course, I might end up relapsing in the future, but that’s not right now. Right now, I’m clean and It makes me feel better. I’ve also been looking for healthy outlets for dealing with trauma. We have so much trauma, and dealing with it all is hard sometimes, so I’ve been figuring out better ways to deal with it. Right now I’m writing a song about trauma and what it’s done to me that I’m planning on putting in my first album.

For the first time in a while, I’m happy with how I look. I’m not uncomfortable with any part of my appearance anymore. I look like me. I look how I want to look. I cut my hair the other day, and for the first time in months, I’m comfortable without a hat on.

Just based on my genetics and past, it’s likely I’ll have depression for most of my life, but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy things either. It’s not going to be easy, and yeah, there might come a day where I’ll need to take medication for my depression, but I can try to make the most of what I have and learn some healthier coping mechanisms while I’m at it.


I’m so happy for you! I hope you can keep your resolve to not self harm but you are loved either way. You are valuable and beautiful. We’re here for your journey <3


So happy for you!! This is so awesome.


Wow, @TheRats! Just wow.

What a beautiful and thoughtful way to acknowledge your progress, but also to envision the recovery process. The decision to stop self-harm is a turning point in your life and it will stick with you now. Yes, relapses are likely to happen because it can be a long journey, but YOU.GOT.THIS. I believe in you.

Also so glad to hear that you’re feeling comfortable with how you look. This is so important, and the manifestation that your heart is giving more place to self-love. What a powerful transformation.

Just like you I’m likely to have depression for most of my life, and I’m trying to be at peace with this idea. Beauty is still around us. Depression or not, we can still perceive it in a unique way that is ours.

This is a step further to your own growth. You’re wonderful. :hrtlegolove:

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