Going through a divorce. I’m at my lowest

First of all, I’m introduce myself. My Name is Lee, and I was referred here by a good friend of mine. She told me to come here and post when I was ready.

I don’t even really know where to begin… Almost a month ago now, I left my home, my kids, almost everything I own and care about except a quick bag of clothes and my computer.

Why I left? It was not my choice. My wife told me she wanted me out of the house by the end of the day. As far as why, I got in an argument with her sister, over something that is irrelevant. We had a large family living in one house. My wife and 4 kids, my wife’s parents, her sister and boyfriend, their two kids, and my wife’s nephew from a sibling that passed away.

We used to have a solid relationship (at least I thought so…) when we were our own household. When my wife’s sister passed away, she wanted to move to be with her family and help how however needed with all the arrangements. I totally get that, that’s not an issue. But I never felt like I belonged there. I would always stay in my room, on my half of the house. Only go to the other side when I needed to cook a meal. The lack of privacy that you might be imagining is 100% correct. I could Not do anything without someone hearing. When anyone would hear something, it could always lead to an issue. When there was an issue, my wife would always take the side of her family, sometimes without even getting my side of the story. I was afraid to do anything. I would go to work, eat, spend time with the kids or play on the computer, and sleep. That’s about it.

I’ll be honest. I have always had a bit of a temper, but being in that kind of environment could make me angry faster than I would like to admit. I can get loud. I can be scary… I know this. It is something I am working on. I don’t want to be angry anymore. And I have not been… it’s all been replaced with a deep sadness.

If you were to ask me what the one thing I am most proud of, I would say my kids. Hands down. Best thing I have every done with my life. I am FAR from a Perfect parent, but I did try.

I wish I could get them Everything they wanted. I had the needs taken care of, but that didn’t feel like enough to me in my own mind. Trying to tell them that I couldn’t get them something because I could not afford it, without flat out telling them, killed me a little bit inside, every time.

I felt like a failure. That I didn’t work hard enough… and I would work 65+ hour weeks regularly. 40 at the standard job, and I (used to?) drive for lyft on the weekend.

But NOTHING has ever made me feel like a failure more than being away from them… I had the one thing that I was proud of, the one thing I felt like I was doing right, torn from my grasp instantly.

I am currently staying with my friend that I have known since I was still in diapers. I say friend, but this man is my brother. I even call his mom “mom”. That’s how much I was over there as a child. Even more than my own house. I asked for a couch to surf on for a night or two until I could find the words to try to talk to my father about the situation and ask if I could move back in. (It wouldn’t have been a problem to move back with my dad, but I didn’t have the mindset to talk about it with him…) My friend did one better and I am sitting in a spare room that he is letting me use for as long as I need.

I appreciate him more than I’ll ever be able to put into words. But on the other hand, I can’t shake the feeling that I am imposing. I know he would never tell Me even if I was…that’s just the way he is. I’ve also been working out with him 5 days a week. That is a much needed distraction. For that hour or so a day. We just listen to music and hammer out whatever exercise is on the docket. I don’t think about anything other than my muscles hurting so dang much. I have not worked out in a loooooong time, and have grown fat and lazy.

I hate myself for it. I hate that I lost my family. I hate I can’t see my kids everyday. I hate that I can’t hold them. Give them hugs. Kiss them… I hate that I feel that I impose on my friend for staying here. I hate that I feel like a bother to the friend that referred me here. (Again I know it’s not true, but it’s still something I struggle with) I know she has a million things going on, and I stack myself on top of it. She is my best friend, and was the first person I reached out to I know that Friends are always there for each other, so why can’t I shake this damn feeling that I am bothering everyone I talk to about my situation.

I’ve always had the mindset of I can fix it, almost no matter what the issue was, and now I have lost that. I feel worthless and weak. I feel like a terrible father, mg motivation is gone. My self esteem is lower than its ever been. I want to feel loved, to feel supported. But the void that is inside of me is so large that instead of seeing that my friends are doing that every day, I see myself as a nuisance. A problem. I HATE it.

That’s all I want to talk about for the time being. Thanks for reading and letting me into this community. It’s getting late here and I do need to go to the work in the morning. My brain is just in a funk and I apologize if this post bounces from topic to topic and doesn’t make sense.

I will post more and or answer any replies to this thread when I feel like I am in a good enough state to do so.

Thank you,



First off all, I’m proud of you for taking the step to reach out and post on the wall. I know that it isn’t always easy for you to talk about what you are going through. Lee, I admire how much effort you have been putting out the last month. Doing things that are healthy and good for you.

I have witnessed the hardship that you have been facing. I have seen how much it breaks you apart. I have seen the pain that you carry. But I have also seen you fight. I know you struggle to see the strength inside you. But I see it. I see that even though you have been facing utter shit lately, you went out and found yourself a job. You have been working every day that you can. On top of working full time and dealing with divorce, I see you working out! Like, hello? Go you! You do it regularly. Consistently. You stick to it. Even if you aren’t feeling it. That is so good! I see you branching out and trying something new. You went out and bought coloring materials and started coloring with me and the community. Even with feeling like it isn’t good enough, you still shared it in discord. I see nothing but courage inside of you. I know you battle to see those things, but I see it.

I can understand wanting to help family out when something so traumatic happens. But it’s also really hard when so many people live under one roof. I know that it always carried such a strain over your relationship. And I know that having your own place wasn’t exactly supported when you wanted it.

The thing with relationships is, it takes team work. Both people have to be willing to invest in it and put it first. When you are surrounded by people that leave you feeling like you and your feelings don’t matter and disregard your heart, it becomes difficult to live in a healthy fashion. When you don’t have your spouses support, it becomes a problem. When it feels like 90% of the house is against you.

I know you have a lot of guilt over your temper. I know you carry a lot of guilt in how things would cause you to react or feel when things were intense. But I’ll tell you like I told you before, when you are in the kind of environment that you were in, you can only handle so much before you break. You’re a human. We all have our limits. You were taking on so much and no support from your spouse. I have seen how hard you work. Full time job plus working basically another full time job in the night. I have seen you try so hard to give your children so much. To do good as a dad. I have seen and heard the love you have for your children. And I have seen you struggle with crediting how much you do. I know it’s hard for you to see the good in yourself and to see the things you do right. That, is sadly a side effect of being unsupported for so long. Being left to feel like you’re not loved and not enough by the people who should have been lifting you up and appreciating you. And it pains me that you have been trained in your mind to think how you do about yourself.

I am proud of you for taking the steps that you need to start bettering yourself and your life. I know it’s going to be hard for a while, but I truly believe that you are going to learn to love yourself and learn that you deserve to focus on you. And I truly believe that you can do this. That you can start a healthy happy life for you. Happiness may not come easily at first, but as time goes on and you learn to set healthy routines for yourself and learn to embrace the things that feel good and make you happy…and the things that are healthy for your life, you will find happiness and good health. Its a process. It’ll take time to heal and find balance. But you are loved. And you will be loved through all of this. You will not be alone like you were before. You have support now. Nothing is holding you back now. You are in control of how you move forward <3

No parent is perfect. You are a good, dad. No matter what you say. You are a good dad. You love your children and it shows. And through out this you have stayed connected to them. Consistently. You talk to them daily and show them that you are still there and want to remain in their life. That matters. And more than some children get when their parents go through divorce.

Having a dad who loves them more than anything in this world is the best thing you could ever give them. And I know you have given a lot to your kids. I know they have a lot of really cool things! Laptops, tablets, phones. That’s a lot! Not every kid gets those things! Yet you guys have been able to give those things to them. You give to your children more than you realize! You under credit yourself as a dad. You really do. You’re such a good dad. I love seeing and hearing how much you adore your children.

You are not a failure. You worked so hard.You worked a full time job and drove all night! You basically worked 2 full time jobs. You did a lot to make sure your family was taken care. So much you rarely had time for yourself to do the things that felt good for you. You are far from a failure. You are a hard worker! You are dedicated!

This isn’t all your fault. A relationship takes 2 people to work and function. When a relationship is driven by one person, it eventually is going to fumble. You can’t help some of the things that took place and the lack of love and support that was there. You will see your children again. They are going to be a part of your life for the rest of your life. And you will always love and support them as you always have. <3 That’s all that matters. And maybe now you can be an even better version of yourself now that youre away from your unhealthy environment. :hrtlegolove:

Things will get better in time. It will take time to heal and find balance. But it will get better. It will. You are not imposing on anyone. You aren’t just leeching and doing nothing about your situation. You are working, you are doing healthy things for yourself. You are trying. That is all you can do. And as long as you continue to fight and not give up, everything is going to be okay.

You are not worthless and you are not weak. You are a human being who was in a really challenging relationship. One that rarely encouraged and supported you. One that took advantage of you. Self admittedly at that.You can’t fix that by yourself. Relationships take 2. Not 1. I will keep telling you over and over that you are not a failure and not a terrible father.

Your self esteem is low now because you are going through a really hard time, but that can be healed. That can change. You are doing what you can to work on that. You are trying. You are not a nuisance and you know you would tell your friends the same exact thing if they were in your shoes. You are not a nuisance for hurting. Its perfectly understandable to be as you are. Allow yourself to process and heal, friend. Allow yourself to grieve. Give yourself some slack. Your entire life just changed. You just lost your marriage. You are allowed to hurt. You’re allowed to be a mess. And even in all of that you are still fighting. You are so incredibly strong.

No need to apologize. It didn’t bounce. I am proud of you for reaching out. For talking out your feelings. I love you more than words can express. I am grateful for you. And I know that you are going to get better. You are going to heal. You are not alone. You are loved. You are cared for.

Stay strong. Because you are strong.
~ Kitty :hrtlegolove:


Also, I’m going to leave this list here for you.


You should go through it one of these nights when you’re feeling up to it. And do the exercises to the ones that hit home for you most. A handful of us have done these exercises as well. You don’t have to do them publicly if you don’t want to.

I would work with you through Dwarf Planet. If you’re up for it. You can get a copy of it here. Dwarf Planet - I think it would be a worthy investment for you. It would encourage me to keep working on it as well. We can even voice chat through it if you’d like.

If you can’t afford it right now, I will buy it for you.


Thank you for the reply Kitty. I will definitely do some of the those exercises, and I will get the book!

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Just reread my own post, and I’ll elaborate a little on why I feel like a bother and a nuisance.

I am doing thing in my life that I would never normally want to do. I am staying with a friend, rent free, for as long as I need to get everything back in order, and back on my feet. It’s one thing if I was able to to pay him some in order to help with some of the costs that no one really thinks about.

Power is going to be higher, I do laundry way more than I ever had in the past. ( I only have two shirts I use for work, and one pair of jeans. So at MINIMUM, I am doing laundry every other day) I am a very large fellow if you can’t tell by the profile picture, and I am not able to find anything in my size at the stores that are currently open during this pandemic.

And while I am working, I am still giving half of anything I make to handle the shared bills my wife and I are still joint on. Insurances, ymca memberships, music instrument rentals for the kids, etc. and then anything that is left over from That half of the paycheck is Child Support. I have not talked to a lawyer or anything (yet) but I still want to make sure that my family is taken care of. I may very well be giving too much of what I make, and honestly, I’d be ok with it… the other half of the paycheck would cover my car payment, the food that I buy and cook here, and the other small bills I have student loans, credit cards etc.

I say I would be ok with it, because I already feel like I am going to stay here with my buddy for a while… take advantage of his offer… stay longer than I “need” to in order to get one step ahead of the struggle I’m at right now. And I have no idea how long that would be.

I feel like I have taken advantage of other things as well, but that’s not a conversation I feel is suitable for this forum, so I won’t give details. I will share how I feel though. I know what I should and shouldn’t do, but often times I can be swayed to the wrong side… I’d like to think I am like this because of my hardships and and current situation, but I have no way of knowing if that is the truth. Why do I do things that will either hurt myself, or the people that I care about? How am I supposed to figure that out? How can I know what the right thing to do is, and willingly turn my back? All questions I have… with no answers in sight.

Hindsight is always 20/20 and I was a fool.

My lunch is over, time to go back to work. Thanks again to anyone who reads this.


(Edit: small typos towards the end, my break was over and wrapped it up quicker than i really wanted to.)

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