Good Morning ☀️

I am so happy YOU are here.

Please stay.

I know that’s a lot to ask of you. I know it feels unbearable. I know the exhaustion and pain that builds in your chest just to inhale, exhale… again.

I know that intimate, gnawing relationship with death. I also know what it’s like to say no to it.

You are fighting the fight of your life. Every second of the day. I get it. Whether you’re screaming at the top of your lungs and no one seems to hear you, or you’re silently, quietly breaking apart alone.

Please keep going. This is soul crushing work. You will break. You will fall. You will bleed. It won’t be fair. Things won’t go your way. Tragedy will always continue to happen… but so will joy. Your wounds will heal, making you stronger and smarter than before. You will stand back up, wipe the blood from your face, and you WILL be able to live your life in the light of what you’ve overcome.

You. are ANYTHING but small. You are not a failure. There are pieces of you, your soul, your life, your light, that only you have. You are the only person who can bring YOU into this world. I want you here. I want to see what you can do.

I already know you can survive. I know you’re resilient as fuck. I know you see things differently than most people. That’s what makes you so important. You know so much we don’t; please stay. Teach us. If every person in your life is rooting against you, snuffing your flame, dulling your brilliance… please, please, please know and believe and count on the fact that these people are not your people. They are visitors in your life. I know this is hard to really, fully accept, but you do not owe any part of yourself, of your life, of your light and brilliance, to ANYONE but yourself and those you ALLOW to share it with. Even family. Especially family.

I’m listening.

There is so much good in this world. Even now. It’s here for you. It’s here because of you. I whole heartedly believe in you. I don’t know you. I don’t know your name. I don’t know your circumstances. I don’t know if you’re rolling your eyes reading through this… but I know I want you here. I want your pain to subside. I want your heart to beat steady. I want you to wake up every morning, no matter what is surrounding you, and I want you to smile.

You. Are. So. Needed.


Thank you for the gift of your incredible kindness and encouragement, @0liveJuice. I will definitely look back at your post in the future. It is encouraging, heartwarming - a true blessing. Thank you.

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