Good to be back

Greetings. I took a break from this community for private reasons. I’m glad to be here once more. I had been through so much for the past 40 days. Day 41 is here, and I am rejoiced. I will continue fight for this organization. We have our flaws, and we cannot ignore the human in us. I got remind myself I am not a robot. It’s okay to take a step back. I shouldn’t be the man everyone got to be dependent on. I shouldn’t do the same for others. We have limits. Let’s take it easy on ourselves and to each other. I got a long way to go. The worst thing I dealt with are the mosquito bites. Bad joke I made. Hehe. Feel free to message me. Thank you for reading this post. Joy to all.


Welcome back @AVJR. I hope this pause has been a good opportunity to feed your soul with good things as well as to assert your own boundaries, even if it was a challenging time. It sounds that you’ve brought some healthy conclusions from that time! Definitely a way to move forward. Well done.

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Welcome back! I haven’t met you yet, but I read some of your posts. You’re awesome!