hairpainter_sambam_Fans Fans #53

From tardymicrobe970: with my borderline personality disorder I tend to keep it to my self and not open up about it to people. I’m learning in therapy to be open to people about how I feel and learn more about my bpd and how to handle it.

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Hey friend.

Thank you so much for opening up about this today. Well done also for not letting a diagnosis prevent you from getting help. Being on therapy and learning to talk about your BPD more openly is such a huge and brave step, really. Learning vulnerability in a world like ours can be pretty challenging. There are so many stigmas applied to mental health that can lead us to feel ashamed of ourselves for struggling, or even just for BEING. It shouldn’t be that way. BPD or not, you are beautiful inside and out and you have SO MUCH to bring into this world.

I’m so glad that you allow yourself to not be alone while you are learning to understand yourself, your emotions and your thoughts better. The fact that you don’t isolate or keep everything to yourself is truly inspiring. Thank you for sharing and paving the way towards more goodness, vulnerability and healing. I hope with all my heart that you are met with all the love, support and care that you deserve.

You are worthy of love and care, always. You are enough. You belong. Your voice speaks the truth of YOUR experiences, which is always valid and deserves to be heard. <3

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