Happy Two Years Guys <3

It’s been two years since I found heart support on twitch, and I’ll be honest I have absolutely no regrets about finding this community! I’ve found some of my closest friends, found lots of healing, and to be honest with you I’ve become closer to the person that I want to be! Here comes the sappy thank you’s.

The biggest thank you goes out to @NateTriesAgain Nate we connected a little over a year ago, and you’ve been there through it all. You’ve seen me at my best, and you’ve seen me at my worse. You’ve pushed me to keep fighting, you’ve called me out on my crap, you saw my relapses, but most of all you loved me! You loved me, and you encouraged me and for that I am forever grateful.

Next to @Danjo and @Casers thank you guys for what you do, day in and day out! You guys are constantly reaching people, and encouraging people, and you guys are making such a huge impact and I look up to you both so so much! You guys have taught me what it’s like to constantly show unconditional love to people.

A little extra for Danjo, I love you man! You reach out to me often, just to check in and see if I’m okay, and it means the absolute world to me. Thanks for thinking about me, loving me, and caring about me and this community always. Much love always!

And here’s a mass thank you to many @Lyss @Snubz39 @Kayla @Hushy @nicole_kaley @StHaTaDi-Ethan and there’s many others but these were the ones that popped into my head instantly. Although many of you guys, I don’t really talk to anymore, you all had a huge impact on my journey here, and that can’t and never will be forgotten. I love you all so much, and I hope that you guys are all doing well.

And to this entire community, I must say that I love you all. I was going to wait and make this post at 100, but I felt like with it being 2 years, and having responded to 200 support wall posts now was a good time. You guys all matter, every single one of you! Your story matters, and you are so so loved. Please don’t forget that, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! Please keep fighting.

Hold fast you guys!



Thank you for making this post. We love you too. God bless you.

Hi @Monkey,

So thankful to see this post! Continue to fight throughout your journey in this life and remember you matter so much and that heart beating inside of you is proof that you have so much more to give. We are cheering for you!


Love you too, fam.
I’m proud of you.

so proud of you and how far you’ve come♥️