HeartSupport Fan #76

I have a chronic health condition that’s getting worse. The mornings are soo hard now.


hey there, my friend,

chronic health issues are so hard to endure day-in and day-out. you are not alone in that, we can be chronic health buddies hahah

are there any family members, friends, or doctors that could help support your morning routine to make it a bit easier for you? whether it’s a mobility aid, physical support, medication, etc., there are people out there that are ready to help you in any way you need to make things easier. sending you all my love!



Hey friend,

Thank you so much for being here and sharing about what you’re going through. Chronic health conditions are exhausting. I too have several chronic health issues that tends to make me feel hopeless some days. Just knowing that it’s less about healing and more about learning to cope is pretty defeating in itself. As lovely @twixremix said: you are not alone. We can’t resolve that, but we can surely learn to cope together, just because having someone by our side can help us to keep moving on. These struggles are often silent and invisible yet it takes almost all the place on a daily basis. We hear you friend. We’re in this with you. Little by little, one travels far.

I’m sending hugs your way. If you want,keep us updated and let us know how it goes for you. Or if you’d like to just share a little more about what you are facing and how it affects you, then know we’re willing to listen.

You are loved dearly, and there’s no condition that will ever interfere with the love and care that is available for you. Hold fast, friend. :hrtlegolove:


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