HeartSupport_Fans Content #131


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I go for counseling and it’s ok to get help

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So true it’s ok to not be ok its tough when you you have a job that you have to act happy thank you for posting this it’s all too common to hide our pain

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Great pic🔥===============

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@rickyxolson hey, I am just reaching out because I myself have had struggles, but medically I have been fed though this machine and i unfortunately have lost a lot of weight, I’ve had massive weight loss and issues for years now, since i was a child I was never able to gain any weight originally I haven’t been eating anything either, it was just always “nope, you have to stay on the formula” my parents are wonderful people and they were the ones that suggested to my health specialists that i should be on it, I’m just telling you how much this is overwhelming me, thanks for listening or reading this is you get this, btw… I’m a huge fan of MIW :slight_smile:

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Bueno mi ricky…a mi me gusta que en todo me vaya bien, besos​:kiss::grin::heart_eyes_cat:

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Beautiful. :heart::raised_hands:===========

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Was scrolling through your page because I heard about the new haircut and came across this—and it’s exactly what I needed. Mentally in a deep deep low right now and feeling alone. So thank you for this

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ricky is the man :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:=====

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When I was working as a forensic psychologist I got the chance to listen to gruesome stories and meet twisted minds but also amazing and resilient people. I saw and shared space in those “Darkened places” and my work consisted in trying to find the “the light” with them (and I’m saying with them and not “showing the light to them” because God knows I’ve been in dark places and also needed someone to light a spark for me) and I discovered we all have something to learn from each other. We’ve been taught to “protect” the “avatar” we create for others and that some people call “reputation” but that’s what people believe we are, not what we “really are”. I discovered that when we dare to be ourselves many of the people we consider “friends” will leave, and that could be scary. For me was accepting that forensics took its toll on me and had to quit, even though I considered myself good at what I was doing I had to admit it was dragging my peace of mind and had to restore myself. It’s a long story but what I’m trying to say is: little things matter, little things become bigger things and you don’t have to wait till you cannot longer deal with it. It’s ok not to be ok, and there’s gotta be somebody who will be able to listen and maybe share his/her wisdom with you.
Much love from here to those who read this words
“Be kind with yourself”

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Life is an experience and growth, rather than a gift. Life makes us feel love, learn, happy, sad, and have many good memories. We need to learn to enjoy life. Although we may face hardship, sadness, or anxiety, we can minimize things. Believe that life is good and that when we are helpless and alone, we can feel much better with someone to talk to. This is a good way.

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Thank you for helping to break the stigma against mental health. I learned about heartsupport when you interviewed Jake Luhrs; it’s a fantastic resource that’s so easily accessible. I hope your journey brings you the comfort and answers you need now. :white_heart:

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I swear this must be a sign. I’ve been going through so much it’s not even funny. My job requires me to have such a big shield and an even bigger one since I just had my son. Being in the military and being alone to do everything for my son has been so hard. I’ve spent countless nights crying and trying to hold it all together, but as my depression gets worse it’s even harder to hold it together. When he finally lays down to sleep I have to play music just so I can calm down because the pain is becoming so unbearable. I feel like I’ve lost myself.

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I’m going through the EXACT thing right now and feel exactly the same as you… shits tough but we got this :raised_hands::heart:

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When I was 12-13I realized I’m not ok and I really was starting to stugle with my mental heath for the first time and it’s happening again of not being able to get out of bed and having no motivation because of the things that I lived through when I was younger and still not understanding most of what was going on but music has saved me more than once and even tho nothing bad has happened recently I still feel like shit but I have a hard time asking for help because I also feel like I’m fine because nothing bad is happening even tho I’m struggling and idk why. Having people like Ricky and vinny definitely make life worth living.

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Love you :black_heart:===============

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Thank you================

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