"Do not think for one second that you are alone, because you don’t ever have to be. I promise." - Ricky Olson of Motionless in White

Honestly I needed this. Just this whole thing. I am in Councling and tbh it was really the best choice I ever made… sometimes talking about things really does help. No matter how big or small. Thank you so so so much for sharing that with all of us.:heart:

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i cant fucking let him go and its been a year. i wish i never talked to him i wish i could take all the memories back. my favorite time of year got ruined because all i can think about is him and how much everyone in that group hurt me. none of my current friends ever listen to me when i try to talk to them about needing help to cover those memories they just tell me to let it go and thats the end of the conversation. i blare music to drown the thoughts but then will still think of him. i feel like i cant let go no matter how much i want to

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I think it’s amazing when established and we’ll respect and heavily followed musicians like yourself open up and support therapy. So much stigma about it and to see an idol support it helps. I recently seen that Remington from Palaye Royale made a post about suicidal thoughts and therapy. And it made a huge impact on the fans

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I’m strugglin with sh, I’m one month and one week clean today, this post means so much for me right now… thank you Ricky, you’re the best human :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:

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I’ve never been able to ask for help, because my mind always tells me “you can do this alone”. I know this isn’t right. Maybe I’m just scared to show how vulnerable I am sometimes and this is one of my biggest problem in my life.

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Thank you :fire::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:===========

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My psychiatrist just left the clinic I was seeing him at so I’m spinning my wheels trying to find someone else. I’m fairly young, never lost a job, haven’t been in trouble with the law since I was a minor, have amazing credit, always pay my rent on time along with all of my other bills. I also spent my last birthday in a hospital bed since I overdosed with a 50/50 chance of living and a very low chance of not having brain damage. Up until my overdose no one knew I was back on drugs except the people I was doing them with. I feel like I can’t reach out because everything seems so perfect on the outside, and this is the fourth time I’ve cheated death. I put so much time and effort into appearing like a normal, functioning person that I’ve convinced myself that the street drugs I use are just like the medications I’ve been prescribed. Some days I wish I hadn’t (haven’t) tried so hard to hide everything. No one is going to take me seriously and no one ever has. My rock bottom looks a lot different, how could it even be rock bottom when I haven’t lost anything? Talking about my problems is minuscule compared to most other people, and most people like me don’t look like I do. I’ve been so caught up in appearing successful and normal that my mask owns me.

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i feel u​:black_heart::black_heart:===============

Sending you love and support through this hard time, I know with certainty that I wouldn’t be alive without therapy, and cheer on anyone who advocates for ending the stigma of getting help, and being open about mental health. Hang in there :black_heart:

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I’ve been dealing with anxiety for weeks/months due to a really harmful “break-up”, self-h4rm and the fact that sometimes I don’t know what’s real or what’s not. Sometimes I feel really overwhelmed because of that feeling…

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thank you💜===============

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:fire::heart:thank you so much! This is incredible and i could not agree more. Therapy has done wonders for me and im very thankful for that

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Thank you================

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Omgosh the struggles :cry: IF I could afford therapy I WOULD but living in Hawaii is expensive ASF and I struggle enough just to feed my kids working 2 jobs. And the island I live on has NO OPENINGS for therapists and we do not have enough on island. Heck we don’t even have enough teachers for our kids in our schools. :woman_facepalming:t2: Sometimes being the strong one is absolutely exhausting. I take care of so many but no one to take care of me. It’s definitely a very lonely feeling. :pleading_face:

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no shame in the therapy game!! i’ve been going for 7+ years and it’s been such an amazing tool to fight back against my issues. i’m glad you’re getting help, it’s one of the best things you can do for your brain. :black_heart::heartpulse:

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Love you :black_heart:===============

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You are such a beautiful soul Ricky

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We’re in your corner…always! :heart:

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@rickyxolson thank you so much for being brave enough to put this out there. I’ve struggled with depression for many years, starting with an abusive relationship and my mother’s suicide at the same time. But more recently, I’ve lost a number of male friends to suicide. It’s devastating that there’s still such a stigma, especially for men, to seek help…even if it’s just reaching out to a friend. I truly hope more men can find the confidence to ask for the help they need. Too many people are losing their lives and it needs to stop…so thank you…yes, reaching out and getting help is not something to be embarrassed about and I truly hope that anyone, men especially, see your post and see that it’s ok to admit things aren’t great and help is needed. Therapy has been incredible for me, I still have dark times and will always have my battles, but I know I’m not alone and that help is available whenever I need it. Hopefully one day, soon, more & more people will be comfortable asking for help and suicide will be something that is a rare occurrence. Thank you for being you :heart:

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When I was 12-13I realized I’m not ok and I really was starting to stugle with my mental heath for the first time and it’s happening again of not being able to get out of bed and having no motivation because of the things that I lived through when I was younger and still not understanding most of what was going on but music has saved me more than once and even tho nothing bad has happened recently I still feel like shit but I have a hard time asking for help because I also feel like I’m fine because nothing bad is happening even tho I’m struggling and idk why. Having people like Ricky and vinny definitely make life worth living.

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