HeartSupport_Fans Content #437

This topic is from INSTAGRAM where users are encouraged to comment about their mental health struggles.

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12 years ago in December I was almost murdered by my exhusband who is now serving 2 life sentences in prison for involvement in a double homicide while we were stationed at fort Stewart. I got out of the Army and went into hiding with my young son and years later started feeling the effects of the trauma. Living in fear and silence for years nearly killed me. I began to isolate and became so depressed I almost committed suicide back in 2017 but luckily a fellow veteran saved me by dragging my butt to the gym and I have used lifting to heal the wounds! Now I try to help other veterans and women find there strength by sharing my story and showing them that they can make it through hard times too! Internalizing my pain only made it worse and I look at it like I was strong enough to survive in order to help others survive too!

What is something that you have kept silent about?? Share and tag @heartsupport in the comments and we’ll respond with support!

@heartsupportwall @heartsupportwall3 @heartsupportwall4 @heartsupportwall2 @heartsupportwall6


Thank you so much for sharing my story and helping others!!!:pray::pray::pray:

WOW!! oh my gosh… thank you for your Bravery @landri_liftsalot I am SO thankful you’re here… you matter. You inspire. You’re crushing life. Thank you​:heart::fire::heart::fire::heart:

@landri_liftsalot is a very dear personal friend of mine and a true inspiration to me and i know many others. Thank you for sharing her story.

Beautiful Warrior :heart:=====

@landri_liftsalot :heart::heart::heart:=

Wow @landri_liftsalot thank you for sharing your story. You are so brave and so strong :heart::heart::heart:

@landri_liftsalot is one of my closest friends & biggest inspirations. She is the true definition of a warrior. I am lucky to know her & to have shared a platform with her. From day one, she saw my trauma that I think I hide so well. She’s always there & her support is unwavering. Thank you for sharing her story. She gives us all hope. :blue_heart:

Abused mentally and physically by my Mother since birth. I was “Loaned” out by her to her cousin for his sick fetishes, all the while, calling me a whore and blaming me (I was 4 yrs old) for seducing men. Fast forward to adulthood, still mentally abused by her, tried to “get away” by marriage, only to realize when it was to late, that he was just like her. After years of hiding the abuse like all do, I finally got out. In the process though, both her and him have alienated me from my children and he has tried to kill me multiple times. Thought about suicide more than I can count. I am 8 years post divorce now and 3 years post recovery. Over this past year I have finally found the courage to speak about it.

Got into lifting after being sexually assaulted by a colleague who was much bigger and stronger. That day I decided I didn’t ever want to feel weak again

Absolutely incredible journey. Astonishing how far you’ve come


Crazy story that’s why I don’t date military people. But I’m glad you survived!



So happy you’re still here @landri_liftsalot you inspire me so much :heart:


I love you so much!!! You are the strongest woman I know in every single sense of the word! I love learning from you, knowing you, and looking up to you :heart::heart::heart::heart:

Wow the strength in getting through this is beyond impressive. Glad you are in a much better place mentally and physically.

Incredible to come back from that, takes a lot to share, proud of you!