HeartSupport_Fans Content #566

This topic is from INSTAGRAM where users are encouraged to comment about their mental health struggles.

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Over the last several years we have had to endure many types of grief. Many of those moments see the sun rise and fall, but over the last few years in particular the loss of friends and loved ones has been the hardest of them all. From relatives who’s health was compromised, or it was just their time to go, to the ones gone far too soon.

And those are the ones I find lingering with me day to day, their memories etched in songs and friendships of those who also knew them. To lose a friend you never had a chance to say goodbye to is something we all will face in life, and yet there is never really anything to prepare for it.

I’ve found that my grief feels lighter when I talk about it with others and receive support. I invite you to share any type of grief you are struggling with in the comments and tag @heartsupport and their community will respond with support.

@heartsupportwall @heartsupportwall3 @heartsupportwall2 @heartsupportwall4 @heartsupportwall5


Much love everyone, see you this weekend :heart:

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My guy :fire::fire::fire::fire:==============

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This nurse has seen enough grief throughout my career to last a lifetime but these last few years have been really difficult. Let’s hug it out Saturday!

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The loss of a parent who is still here in body but not in mind .

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Love this :raised_hands::heart: thanks for spreading the word

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Thanks for this @telletwa My support system has been absent, as of late. Any little bit helps. Thank you. See you in San Diego.

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At first I was like… “wait? did Telle die?”
then I was like… “Colby and Nancy need him! He can’t die!”
then I was also like… “I bet this fucker died so I couldn’t send him more cat gifts”
and then I was like… “:cat:>:dog:”


My grief is seeing my dad go through cancer. Knowing there’s nothing I can do to fix it. Wishing there was something else. Fear of losing one of the most consistent people in my life. Guilt for wanting more time, knowing he’s in pain and that it will only get worse toward the end. Frustration of feeling like a helpless bystander.

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I have lost 6 friends over the last two years. All prematurely from Covid to suicide to heart attacks. It’s certainly taken it’s toll, and I am thrown into mid-life crisis when I otherwise don’t “act my age”. I had 7 years of success with stabilizing my bipolar. Now it’s triggered all the damn time. @heartsupportwall3

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one of the best guys I know :heart: we love @heartsupport around here