HeartSupport_Fans Content #97

This topic is from INSTAGRAM where users are encouraged to comment about their mental health struggles.

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“There were so many times I would come home from tour and I would be left with my thoughts and not know how to handle it” - @mattdeis

Matt opens up about the struggles of isolating himself after being on the road. Getting home from tour he noticed many of his relationships had changed or deteriorated and he struggled to face these struggles head on. Instead he found himself drinking, like he did on the road, but this time, he was alone.

Eventually he asked himself “am I doing this for fun, or am I masking these feelings.”

Facing pain is hard, but Matt realized it was the only way through the thoughts he was consumed by. This mental health day we are partnering with @mattdeis and @allthatremains and inviting you to do the same.

Comment @heartsupport and share what thoughts you need support for today. Our community will support you with encouragement.


thank you for taking the time to speak with me! :raised_hands:

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@heartsupport The people and surroundings to which we are exposed change continuously throughout time. We undergo constant change. Our thoughts, perceptions, and practical knowledge. At every stage of our life, we interact with a wide variety of individuals and reject others. Everyone boards and exits the bus at separate stops, just like that. However, not many people traveled with us to the final location. The truth is that while everyone wants wonderful things to continue forever, they rarely do. We don’t need to be depressed or angry because of someone’s transformation. We don’t limit ourselves to such opposed sentiments. If we are true to ourselves, gaze ahead, and face the sun, better things will come our way.