HeartSupport_Fans Fans #191

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definitely needed this, I haven’t heard of them before until today. I never really open up about anything but I finally felt like giving it a try. Love and appreciate you Ricky :black_heart:

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@brianna.elizabeth._ you’re totally welcome to come over to our Heartsupport support wall or post on here for some support and love!

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@brianna.elizabeth._ Hard to open up about the things we hold close. Especially when there have been times where opening up is the very thing that causes the most pain. There is a comfort we have when we keep things locked away - not only are we /not/ experiencing judgment, but we get to hold onto this private hope, that if we did, maybe we’d be accepted and loved. It is so painful when we actually choose to trust and get cut in that vulnerable place…not just because of the pain of the moment, but because of the loss of hope. Especially when it feels that is all we have left when our reality never meets our expectations. But you carry so much - it is hard to do it alone. So you’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t. It is one of the most courageous acts to choose to try again, particularly in the places where we’ve been most deeply wounded. Proud of you for choosing to try again.

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Super proud of you for allowing yourself to reach out and be your vulnerable self. There is truly a strong potential for healing once we start to open up and actually experience that it is okay to do so. Not everyone in life is ready to listen, ready to welcome others struggles without judging, but there are many others who actually do. Please know that you are loved unconditionally and you can always lean on our community if you ever need it. Sometimes it’s hard to find the right space or the right people in our life to share what’s on our heart. I experienced this firsthand, and having a safe space online where I could be myself without feeling the need to wear a mask has been life changing, and actually brought fresh air to breathe in my life too. I wish you the best on this new journey. <3