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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Monsters by Shinedown HeartSupport I can’t believe how many times you nail my life and feelings without me knowing what’s going on inside. I’ve tried to hide my monsters for years. I’m afraid I’ve become the monster. I’m not sure how to go back, but I’m trying. There’s a long road of anger and hurt behind me…
You’re 100% trying, I can see it. Just by you, taking the time to post shows that you’re trying. And i’m super proud of you for that! For me, I hid my monsters for years, and it did me no favors at all. Sometimes I had to face them head on and show that I wasn’t scared at all. But I wasn’t afraid to not do it alone. I knew I needed a tribe to help me, and places like this, trusted friends, family, and even professionals can really help you get to where you need to be.
After long periods of keeping and bottling things up and trying to hide our fears and monsters, they eventually find a way out as constant anger and hurt that seems to never end and may send us into a worse road of hurt, believe me I know. I have used the reference of the Hulk when he says that’s his secret I’m always angry to explain it.
When we have hurt for so long we can only see the ugly in the mirror and cannot see past it. Sometimes it takes someone’s kind hand to help or taking the scary step of opening up and talk about it which in itself is beyond scary.
From your words I can relate and I see you see the anger and hurt behind you but we fail to see the road ahead since we don’t know how. Sounds like you’re trying to heal and you may not even know it. Please keep your head up and keep on going even if it feels like there’s no way to move forward as there’s always an open ear and helping hand nearby.