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Belongs to: Cinematic Emotional Masterpiece by Deathcore Band! - Lorna Shore Pain Remains Therapist's Reaction
@heartsupport i do constantly get ghosted often its the 6th time this summer. So i made a friend at work but as soon as i left we promised each other to stay in contact throught instagram. But she never answerd me ever since its been 2 month. But very recently i decided to sign up to a dating website. I got some match witsh is great but the big problem is i have a very light autism its so light i can barely get any service for it in my area. But althought its very light its still makes flirting and starting any conversation hard. So has a result i get a match start texting, can’t keep up and a day or two later, get ghosted. It makes me feel like im cursed and that whatever i do i’ll stay lonely for the rest of my days.