Heartsupport i do constantly get ghosted often its

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Belongs to: Cinematic Emotional Masterpiece by Deathcore Band! - Lorna Shore Pain Remains Therapist's Reaction
@heartsupport i do constantly get ghosted often its the 6th time this summer. So i made a friend at work but as soon as i left we promised each other to stay in contact throught instagram. But she never answerd me ever since its been 2 month. But very recently i decided to sign up to a dating website. I got some match witsh is great but the big problem is i have a very light autism its so light i can barely get any service for it in my area. But althought its very light its still makes flirting and starting any conversation hard. So has a result i get a match start texting, can’t keep up and a day or two later, get ghosted. It makes me feel like im cursed and that whatever i do i’ll stay lonely for the rest of my days.


I am sad to hear how people have been treating you with no regard for your feelings. I have experienced being ghosted before. It left me feeling confused and heartbroken, as well as doubting myself. I just keep reminding myself that no one can determine my worth except me and being ghosted speaks more about them than it does me. I am impressed that you keep putting yourself out there. That shows strength and courage which does speak volumes about your character. You seem like an authentic and genuine person, and i hope that you dont let anyone steal that light from you. They may walk away from it, but it’s their loss. They dont deserve your beautiful presence. Someone more worthy will come when youre least expecting iit.Side note: i love Lorna Shore! Their lyrics and music have helped me a lot during times like this. I hope it helps you too!

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