Heartsupport i feel like i have negative emotions

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Slipknot Vermilion pt 2
@heartsupport I feel like I have negative emotions that are too big for my body, and it was hard to hear this reaction without experiencing them

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It sounds overwhelming to feel like those emotions are too big to handle. When emotions feel this intense, it can feel like they’re spilling over, consuming every part of you. It’s a tough place to be because it often feels like there’s no way to let them out safely.

You’re definitely not alone in feeling this way. It’s okay to acknowledge the size of these emotions and not know exactly how to handle them right now. Sometimes, even just recognizing what you’re going through can be a small step forward. When I’ve felt similar emotions, it helped me to find safe outlets where I could express them, whether through writing, art, or talking to someone I trust. Although jogging down notes felt like the most helpful way of expressing, it is totally okay for you to take time to find ways to express or release those emotions without judgment.

What you’re feeling is valid, and you’re not alone. If anything comes up, please feel free to send another reply anytime you feel like it!

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Yes, sometimes emotions feel so overwhelming that it seems like our own body wouldn’t be able to contain or process them. It just happens to be this sudden and intense implosion that builds up through every part of your being. You wish to have the possibility to limit it, but at the same time it can happen to be a needed release when emotions have been building up for so long. Which feels a bit scary at first… as it can make you wonder if this is going to be out of control, or if it’s just a door that opens to a whole lot of emotions you don’t want/are not ready to feel. Sometimes our mind and body choose for us, and it certainly doesn’t feel like a gift at the moment. I’ve definitely been there often throughout my life, and music certainly has this way to reveal things in us that we might not expect to experience at first.

I hope you managed to release these emotions safely in the end, and that somehow this video helped bring a bit of relief or even catharsis if you needed it. It’s the kind of experience that can feel very overwhelming at first, leaving you exhausted as a result and completely out of energy. Sometimes heavy emotions strike us unexpectedly, although they have a reason to be and can reveal when it’s the right time for us to feel them. Maybe that was the case for you? In any way, I hope you are safe and feeling okay since you’ve commented here. These can be brutal yet essential moments to attend needs that have been silenced inside of us. Thank you for sharing in the first place. If you would ever like to share more or how this music resonated with you, feel always free to reach out. :heart:

@@HeartSupport thank you so much for your reply

@@HeartSupport thank you for that, much appreciated